With the current corona virus, it can be difficult to look after our mental health. Dizzy and I have definitely noticed it having an impact(more…)
Blog: Living with Dizzy
Dizzy on CBD oil
CBD is becoming more and more popular these days, and it can help with a whole range of different ailments, from anxiety to aches and(more…)
Things to do while staying safe at home
At the moment, it can be a little bit tricky to find new things to do while staying safe at home. It has now been(more…)
Dizzycast Ep. 15 A Social Distancing Dizzy
Dizzy and I are, like most of the country, social distancing/isolating! And Dizzy is feeling a little bit bored having to stay in all the(more…)
A New Dizzy Donkey Doggy Friend
Dizzy and I have a new doggy! And she is called Willow. 🙂 She is a street doggy from Romania, and she was very sad(more…)
8 Tips for Road Tripping :)
This is currently our last guest post, which is all about tips for going on a road trip! As it’s March, and Easter is fast(more…)
Laughing and Loving with MS
A couple of weeks ago we had an amazing guest post by Becca, all about caring for her mum with MS, which you can find(more…)
Dizzy on Accessibility Trends
Living with any chronic illness can be tricky, and Dizzy and I do realise that companies have a long way to go before they even(more…)
Caring for someone with MS
Today we have a beautiful guest post by the amazing Becca. Dizzy and I have wanted to do some posts on caring for someone with(more…)
15 Ways of Making Life with MS Just a Little Easier
Life can be rather tricky, but it can be even trickier with a chronic illness. Dizzy has made a little list of ways in which(more…)