Life can be rather tricky, but it can be even trickier with a chronic illness. Dizzy has made a little list of ways in which life can be made just that little bit easier with MS. 🙂

  1. Talk to others – Talking to others who have the same condition as you can be really helpful, and can help to make you feel less alone. With MS comes rather a strange and bizarre range of symptoms, and even just knowing that others also have similar experiences can make a huge difference. 

2. Nap – Nap, nap, nap! This is one very high on our list, and can help to give you a power up to get through the rest of the day. Sometimes, Dizzy and I will have up to 3 naps a day if needed!

‘Let’s begin by taking a smallish nap or two…’ – Winnie the Pooh 

3. Take Vitamin DVitamin D has been proven to help people with MS, and there is evidence to suggest that it even slows down the progression of the disease. Something Dizzy and I always like to hear! But it is also something that everyone should consider taking, especially in countries (like the UK) where there is limited sunshine time. 🙂

4. Omega 3 – This is another supplement which is brilliant for people with MS. It can reduce the severity of symptoms and there is evidence that it can help prevent people developing the condition. This can also be found in fish and flaxseed. And if you don’t like the taste of these, you can add flaxseed to different mixtures, such as Dizzy’s delicious protein bars. 🙂  

5. MeditateMeditating even 10 minutes a day can help to make you feel more relaxed and more able to take on the day ahead. 🙂

‘The best cure for the body is a quiet mind.’ – Napolean Bonaparte

6. Home adaptation and improvements. There are now lots of amazing home adaptations and improvements out there that you can consider to make sure that you are as safe and cosy as possible. This can be anything from getting a disabled platform lift installed to handrails, from effective heating to fans.  

7. Ask for help – Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Too many of us feel as though we should muddle through on our own, but asking for help can make the world of difference. And it is something that we all need to do sometimes. x 

‘Sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make. You don’t have to go it alone.’ – Unknown

8. Relax – Take time out for you. Life is always busy, busy, busy, and we can often forget to just be still, and take time out. This can also be a time to do things that you love! Whether it is taking a nice long bath, reading a book or doing a puzzle. 🙂

9. Exercise – This is really important to help keep our bodies and mind healthy. It is important to only do as much as you can, but even some daily gentle stretching can make a difference. 

10. Do things that make you happy – Watch the birdies, nap or do a little dance! Make sure to do at least 3 things a day that make you happy!

11. Say no – Learn how to say no. It can be hard to do, but it’s important to also look after yourself, and learn how to say no to things that will affect your mental and/or physical well being. Dizzy is learning how to say ‘NOOOARRRR’ from her dinosaur friend ‘Ditsy’. 

12. Explore MS advice – There are lots of amazing charities out there, such as the MS Society, MS Trust and Shift. MS, who provide lots and lots of information for people with MS. You can also find local MS Therapy Centres, meetings and treatment options. It can take time to discover these things, but it can be well worth it. 🙂

13. Sleep – It is super important to get lots of sleep with MS. It will help to keep the MS happier, and gives your body time to look after and heal itself. It is also the perfect time to snuggle up all cosy with your favourite donkey. 🙂

14. Eat healthily – Eating healthily is always good for everyone. Dizzy is even making the effort to eat her fruit! This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still treat yourself to the odd treat though. 🙂 

15. Dream – Don’t forget to dream and to follow your heart. MS can make this a little harder at times, but you can still achieve your dreams. You just might have to take a slightly different path to get there. 🙂 

‘When you cease to dream, you cease to live.’ – Malcolm Forbes

19 Replies to “15 Ways of Making Life with MS Just a Little Easier”

  1. Thank you for an enjoyable and positive post. It’s good to read about proactive ways in which we can enjoy life and reassuring to know just because we have MS this doesn’t have to mean we forget how to live our best life!. Learning new ways to improve our quality of life is essential to us all as is personal growth.
    “The greatest investment you’ll ever make is investing in you.”― Wesam Fawzi

  2. My 45-year-old niece just received an MS diagnosis. (She’s the fifth family member in the last 22 years.) Though her case is considered “mild” thus far–only seven lesions–she’s already experiencing life altering changes with fatigue being one of the worst. Will definitely share this post with her. Thanks! ❤

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that your niece had just been diagnosed. Is she ok? The fatigue can be the hardest to deal with, and is definitely the one which effects me the most. 🙁 I hope she is doing ok, and you know where I am if she even wants a chat. 🙂 xxx

  3. Very good tips to give to those with MS Heather and I must admit that Dizzy looks happier with the ginger biscuit on her hoof than looking with disdain at the protein/flaxseed bar on her plate … or is it my imagination? 🙂

  4. oh my goodness, I love all of your advice and it was a reminder to go take my vitamin d and omega pills! the photos are completely awesome……..brought a HUGE smile to my face, thank you!

  5. Amazing tips and fab quotes, too. “Make sure to do at least 3 things a day that make you happy!” – that’s one I need to work on. Looks like all this stuff is doing Dizzy a world of good! xx

  6. I am so sorry for my delayed response!!! Thank you so much for the great advice Dizzy, you do always have the best! The one of many things I am bad at is asking for help. I am way too stubborn at times and know I need to get better with this!

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)