As we mentioned a few blog posts ago, me and Dizzy didn’t have the best start to our new job. :/ Overall the actual job part of the job isn’t that bad but we’ve finally come to the decision that it’s just not the best place for us to be. We’ve been dithering and worrying about this for a couple of weeks now (well I have, Dizzy’s made up her mind at the start of the term!), mostly about future references, the guilt of leaving the students half way through the year and that this will be the first time not having a regular income.

I worry this will be me and Dizzy from January….


Dizzy not being able to believe we can’t afford an unlimited supply of ginger nut biscuits anymore….


Even with these worries though we have come to the decision that the positives outweigh the negatives. 🙂

  1. Health – At the moment we’re not doing the best job of looking after ourselves. The new jobs means we’re using up way more spoons than we really have on those 3 days, so its taking the rest of the week just to begin to get out of minus numbers! This is also causing an increase in dizziness, wobblyness and numbness. The sleepiness is also meaning very little exercise (does blinking and abit of stretching in bed count?) and our healthy eating isn’t exactly on track either…


2. Feeling appreciated – This one got off to a bad start when we were made to feel like a liability on our first day because of our MS. My head of department is lovely but overall we just don’t feel appreciated at all and in a job that’s taking so much out of us it doesn’t make us feel great.

Dizzy just can’t understand it at all!! She’s even made me make a little poster!


3. Enjoying life! – Currently it’s sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, work, work, work, and that’s our week. Things I love doing like seeing friends, acting, blogging and photography hardly get a look in. I have been in this position a couple of times after relapses before but I was in a job I loved so I didn’t mind, this one I just don’t. :/

Luckily Dizzy’s friends are still popping round most days! 🙂 Today they have been telling me they are stunt donkeys! Expert donkey climbing skills in action. 🙂


Now I just have to convince Dizzy to take in my resignation letter and then we’ll be off on 31st December. 🙂 Dizzy’s decided for now we shall get back into our acting and do some tutoring, teaching children about how many ginger nut biscuits they should eat a day (as many as you can possible find obviously 🙂 ) and why we don’t like carrots….

I am actually really excited about leaving but if it does all goes abit wrong you can expect to see Dizzy’s justgiving page for her ginger nut biscuit fund sometime in the new year. 🙂 🙂 🙂


Have any of you ever made the decision to go from employed to self employed? What were your reasons and how did it go? xxx

82 Replies to “To be a self-employed Dizzy…”

  1. Best of luck! I haven’t got as far as the employed thing yet, I’m still hiding in education where it’s socially acceptable to get paid to nap all the time! I think something like tutoring will be the way to go for me as well, “real” jobs scare me a bit!

  2. Aw, your blog hits home today as I have just begun the disability process here. This is not what I want to do but have to do. And yes, no more ginger nuts. I am wracking my brains to come up with something I can do to enable me to continue to have my home and a reasonable standard of living. Yes, life should be more than work and sleep.
    Chin up for all of us

    1. It is so difficult but it can’t be helped. I eventually realised for a job I don’t even look forward to going too it’s not worth it. I hope you’re ok. What work have you done before? xxx

  3. I did a couple of times but I was lucky enough to have a husband with a good income at the time. I did catering until my back went out, too much standing, carrying cooking, etc. I was into Beauticontrol and getting a customer base when we had to move. Then I had a pet and home care business that was doing well and moved again. I still enjoyed being my own boss. And with kids I could set my own schedule. Good luck to you and Dizzy! Love reading your posts, could you try to monetize it somehow? Idk anything about it?? : )

    1. Wow, you’ve done lots of things! The pet care one sounds soooo sweet. Being my own boss and setting my own schedule is something i’m really looking forward too. Can visit the donkey sanctuary anytime of the year! 😊idk anything about that either and i’d feel abit bad trying too. 😕I think it’s amazing that people do but I would hate people thinking i’m trying to make money out of them when I set up my blog with the hopes of helping people in some way. Xxx

      1. I think it would be fine. You have a takent, writing the blog and pix with it adorable, I think you should go for it! Your blog is unique and would probably do well.

  4. My only real transition from employed to self-employed came by being laid off from a fairly crappy job, and the new venture was almost accidental. Good Luck!

  5. I would love to go to self-employed (got let go from my full time employed position this year due to another surgery and not being able to guarantee when I could return afterwards). I just don’t know what to do, I don’t feel I have the skills or experience to be able to do anything self-employed. Or even employed right now for that matter. It’s a constant worry for me, it makes me feel so sick. I can appreciate your anxieties. Thank you for sharing this, and Dizzy’s potential worries – Sending you (both!) hugs and all the very best wishes for it going forward.xx

    1. I’m so sorry this is something you have as a worry at the moment. I’m only not stressing out too much at the moment because I can always do boring jobs like marking for exam boards at home but the money issue is still a worry. I’m sure you do have the skills to be self employed! But only when you’re able too aswell. What was your previous job? Hugs to you too and hope you’re ok. xxx

      1. Previously I was a community advice and support worker. Not something I could do in another form at home. I have a first class psych degree but no other qualifications to, for instance, teach or provide counselling. Feel at more than a bit of a loss…! It’s good that you’ve got other things you can do to make ends meet, but it’s such a shame that money still has to be a worry (as though there aren’t already enough worries and things to stress over…) Keep us posted on how you get on with this, it’s quite an interesting topic and something that I think will affect lots of us with health issues. xx

        1. I know, I wish we didn’t have to worry about money at all and just had enough to comfortable live. Have you thought about tutoring? I know a few people who tutor in subjects they have a high qualification in without having any teaching training. I will keep you all posted. 🙂 Hopefully with positive news. 🙂 xxx

  6. Oh goodness this would also have me slightly cautious to! I would love to make the jump but all the “What If” questions jump to the front and take over!! Hope you guys are doing ok and it works out for you guys!! PS love knowing what you mean by spoons reading it 🙂 xxx

    1. I am someone who usually always goes for the safest option but I know this time this is the right decision. And also as I teach if I don’t hand in my notice now I would be stuck till Easter! Glad you loved the spoons post too. 🙂 How are you doing at the moment? xxx

      1. Oh is that how it works in teaching? I dint know that! I suppose it makes sense! My dad always says the right thing to do is always the hardest!! Thats how you know 🙂
        All good over here!! Weather not to bad and Halloween next week so happy out! The weeks are flying by though! November next week!! Crazy!! xx

        1. Yeah you can only leave at the end of December, April and August and you have to give half a terms notice. I wish you could decide abit nearer the time but I understand why they have to do it like that.
          The time is going so fast! Are you doing anything for Halloween? I never do but I do always look forward to it! xxx

          1. That is crazy… Why is that needed? So a teacher doesn’t leave mid term?? No major plans, working and the usual but hoping to have a few trick or treaters know at the door!! They better other wise i’ll end up eating all the goodies and no one wants that 🙂 xx

          2. No, not unless something happens that means they have no choice. But contract wise the agreement is you can only leave at those 3 points in the year! Lol, eating all the goodies doesn’t sound too bad! 🙂 We never get any but now I’ve said that we probably will tonight. We haven’t got any goodies though! xxx

          3. No callers, not a friggin peep!! Why???? Its huge at home and so normal?!?!

            Thats crazy but of its the same for everyone I can see why and how it must just be your normal. Plus it’s less disruptive for the students which is nice to see that they think of this! xx

          4. Lol! We didn’t have anyone either but we never do here. I was down the other end of town about 5 though and saw loads! Did you get to eat all the sweets?
            I think it is for the students. Also finding a new teacher mid term would be nearly impossible. Am counting down the days till I go though! 🙂 xxx

          5. Ye maybe the kiddies come out earlier in the day 🙁 Himself is sitting here as we speak munching on them! I’m trying to resist!!
            It makes sense! How many days to go? xx

          6. Lol you’re doing better than me. I’d have been eating them straight away!
            Only 20 working days left! (not that I’m counting…) Contract is till 31st December so will get paid for Christmas which is nice. 🙂 xxx

          7. Trying so hard to be good these days! Need to get my Christmas booty ready for all the sparkles hahaha!! Wow that must feel amazing!! Even better you get paid! Every little counts! xx

  7. Always always your health has to come first. If like you say it’s all work and sleep it won’t be long before other parts of body rebel. Keep positive and you will get through this. And I’m sure Dizzy could crowdfunding for gingernut supplies 😄😄😄

  8. Wishing you nothing but the best and hoping this is the best decision you’ve ever made. I love your blog and think you’ll do wonderfully! The relief you’ll feel once that letter has been handed off will likely be wonderful. Yay on you for taking good care of yourself!!

    1. Thank you so much. If nothing else it will at least give us time to rest and get back on our feet properly after the last relapse. I’m hopeful it will be the best decision though. Have always said I wanted to be self employed! 🙂 Hope you’re having a lovely week. xxx

  9. Unfortunately I have never experienced appreciation for a moment of my working life. However, as I have bills to pay and a bank to please I have ceased to even dream of it. The hard truth is that no cuts any employee an inch of slack MS or no MS, we are all cogs in the wheel.
    I hope very much you can find a way of making enough money self employed, as it has much greater dignity and sanity.🌻

    1. I think I’ve always been very lucky in the past as my employees have always seemed to think a lot of me and have done everything they could to help. I’m sorry you’ve never had that though and I think your experience is sadly the most common. :/ We’ll see how we get on but I’m hopeful me and Dizzy will be able too. 🙂 xxx

  10. My first career was as an actor, in England, and the tax classification was “self employed”. After about 14 years of doing that and actually doing ok with it I returned to Canada and once I had children decided to get out of acting. I went to work in financial markets as an independent equities trader. So I’ve always been self employed. But making the decision to leave acting was difficult as I felt that was the only thing I knew how to do and also I was having some good success at it and making living. However, I have never regretted leaving that profession. I really enjoyed the financial markets and working for myself. I wish you all the best and I think that it is important to look after your health and do not wear yourself down in a job where you are not appreciated. Tell Dizzy I will send her a package of Canadian cookies to try out.

    1. I knew you had done acting for a while but didn’t know you then went into financial markets. That’s completely different! I can imagine it was really difficult to leave acting and especially after so long.
      Thank you! I am trying to follow the advice I give everyone of putting your health first! 🙂 I’m not sure it’s wise to tell Dizzy about the Canadian cookies. I’ll never hear the end of them! 🙂 Are they gingery? 🙂 xxx

  11. oh boy..we need to talk. I lost my last job in 2007 due to downsizing……….didn’t start monetizing my blogs til 2010…………….if it wasn’t for my husband I would be on a street corner selling pencils 🙁

    1. I’m sorry you went through losing your last job. It’s also just something I know nothing about at all! I hear people talking about monetizing their blogs but no idea how any of them do it! :/ xxx

  12. I wish you and Dizzy lots of luck making this decision. I know it is a hard and stress thing to think about, but I have faith in y’all to make the best of possible for both of you!! Take care and I am here for you if you need anything!

      1. I am glad the letter of resignation went well! I am glad it was a relief for you! I went back yesterday but only for 5 hours. I must have over done it because I felt terrible yesterday and was not even able to sleep at all last night! Leg spasticity and back pain! We will see how tomorrow goes!

        1. Just do what you can. 5 hours after a relapse is still a long time! Even not after a relapse it still is. You’re doing really well and just keep remembering that. 🙂 I hope the leg spasticity and back pain is abit easier today. xxx

  13. Aw my favourite Donkey and friend 😊 I’m sorry to hear about the job, however I’m glad you and Dizzy are taking that step into something that makes you both happy! Just reducing my hours at work for me I believe would be great! That’s the plan after relapse number 3 anyway. It is time to start looking after ourselves!!
    Ah I would happily send Dizzy ginger nut biscuits… I actually LOVE ginger nuts!
    Sending lots of love and hugs to you both xxxxxxxx

    1. I’m glad you’re planning on reducing your hours soon. It is time to start looking after ourselves and putting that first. 🙂 Are you still at home resting?
      Lol, thank you. I’ll let Dizzy know. Even though I’m worried she’ll be pretending we haven’t got any to get more! Lots of lovely people have said they would send her some. 🙂 Me and Dizzy are sending hugs to you too! xxxxxxxxx

  14. I love the pic looking in the purse
    It’s how i feel most days lol
    Enjoy this freedom and good on u for putting you first x I love it !!

    Me I’m running a business and working. I’ve never quit to do it but often I think I should

    1. Woah, running a business and working is a lot! Do you enjoy both of them?
      And thank you! I am so looking forward to the freedom. Planning lots of trips to see the donkeys at the donkey sanctuary with my free time. 🙂 xxx

  15. I love this so much , wishing you the best of luck for everything . As you know , i’ve really been struggling with my three days of work too, for all the reasons that you mentioned. I’m trying the adaptations at work, but ultimately they’re just not helping. Well done on having the courage to do what’s right for you – fingers crossed that I find that same courage in a couple of months when I can show work that I’ve tried everything to make it work. Can’t wait to hear how everything goes for you! Good luck 😊 Xxx

    1. Thank you Jenny! It’s definitely not been an easy decision but I know it is the right one. I don’t think its courage, more sleepiness for me! 🙂
      Do you have a review at work or anything to discuss how having the adaptations has gone?
      I will keep you updated. 🙂 I’ll still be there till the end of December and then it’s on our own. Scary but I can’t wait either! 🙂 xxx

      1. Sorry for the late reply! I do have a review this month. I think that I am going to mention how much I am struggling but I am trying to keep at it for a bit longer! I think that you are very brave and strong and I am sure it will turn out fabulously 🙂 xxx

        1. That sounds a good plan. And just see what they say. Its such a difficult decision though. I hope the review goes ok.
          And thank you. 🙂 I’m hoping so but even having time to rest will be amazing! 🙂 xxx

  16. Aw, well done on making such an important decision where you’ve put yourself and your health first 😊 I imagine it wasn’t easy at all to reach it, but definitely sounds like the right one for you. I bet you’ll feel a real relief once you know it’s coming to an end. Plus exciting times ahead 😊 Loving reading about Dizzy and I will buy her some ginger biscuits if ever needed! Though I’m positive lots of new, good things will come your way so you won’t need me to! xxx

    1. Thank you so much Emma. It’s been really difficult. I like to keep things the same in life and go for the safest options but I know this is the right decision. 🙂 Sent the letter today so it’s all done now too. Now I just can’t wait till the end of December! 🙂
      Dizzy also said thank you for the offer of ginger nut biscuits. 🙂 She’s not having a shortage of offers so she’s looking pretty pleased with herself tonight. 🙂 xxx

  17. It is a real problem and one that I have struggled with too. Now I am in a halfway position between self-employed and employed. Working on a zero hour contract that has a variable workflow. Usually, I have 3 days work, and that is all I can manage at the moment. Your mindset will have to change, and that can be difficult. Not having the reliable paycheck at the end of the week, and all the benefits of employment (sick pay, comradeship, reliability) can play a toll. I know, I have been there, and you just need to change your focus. The very best of luck and you should monetise your blog. I think everyone will understand.

    1. They are the things that worry me but I think overall the benefits will outweigh the negatives. I hope so anyway! I may also go back into teaching FE again in the future (which until September is what I’ve always done) but just one or two days a week. Just going to see how it goes at the moment. 🙂
      And thank you. 🙂 xxx

  18. I’ve been self employed pretty much all of my working life. During high school I worked various employed part time jobs and such, but since college I’ve been self employed. There are as with anything positives and minuses. My biggest challenge with self employment is setting boundaries and saying no to clients. As self employed I tend to count various parts of the budget in client hours, so when I was depending on those to pay the bills I found it hard to turn down a potential client. When I was working full time I was as you are now existing: work and sleep. I cut down my hours, I was still over taxing myself and life was still work and sleep (or as my husband called it Zombie as it wasn’t really rest full sleep, more passing out from exhaustion and pain), I’d spend my days off recouperating so I could work and teach the 3 days a week I scheduled students. Over the years I tried various things, I’d take a few months off then go back, I’d shift my schedule, I’d go to only teaching 3 days a week, etc. But as the years progressed and my health didn’t improve it became clear I needed to shift things more. So 2 yrs ago I “quit” or “retired” as we were now in a financial position that my income wasn’t what we needed to live off of but when you’ve lived your life self employed walking away completely is hard (or is for me) so now I am still in the business but a much different avenue, instead I pick and choose my clients, and I do the parts of the job that I enjoy and find renewal in or at least are a much less cost vs benefit equation. It took about 10m post ‘retiring’ for my health to start to get on track, and now I have to say I’m happier than I have been in so many years. I now can use my spoons in ways that I enjoy, give me a quality of life, and yet don’t take too much out of me. I wish you and Dizzy luck on your new venture! Exciting times for you both 🙂

    1. Thank you Katrin for your lovely post and positive story of going self-employed.
      I can definitely relate as that’s what I’ve been doing. I have 4 days off but I’m not actually getting to enjoy the free days as I’m just trying to recoup for the next 3 teaching days. What do you do self employed now?
      Being able to use my spoons in ways that I enjoy is what I’m most looking forward too! It’s still feeling a scary decision but me and Dizzy are starting to feel excited about it too! 🙂 xxx

      1. I’m a certified dog behavior consultant, so before I used to teach private lessons and group classes at hours of the day that are the worst for me (because prime hours for most people are afternoons, evenings and weekends outside of normal 9-5 work times) and teach a lot of them. Now, I work with the owners less and the dogs more (which is less stressful and energy draining for me) and I am very picky about which dogs, so I take a couple of my old behavior clients during certain days of the week for ‘daycare’ and I take a couple of dogs for overnight boarding when owners go away, and then I occasionally (1-3 hours or so per week depending on the week) see private lesson clients and I’m very choosy about who I see and at what times of day, I refer most people elsewhere, and don’t take cold call cases anymore only direct referrals. I very much enjoy the dogs on my care string, most of them are rather peculiar so they give me a challenge without being too much, it’s rather nice at the moment. Yes, the freedom to use spoons in ways that are enjoyable is a huge gain for me as well. I remember thinking ‘huh, so this is what it’s like to have a life! Nice!’ at one point lol.

        1. Aww, that sounds lovely. I love dogs! We have a little collie cross. 🙂 That’s great you can also do hours that are best for you and decide which doggys you work with. Lol! I think I’ll be thinking that soon too. 🙂 So looking forward to setting my own hours and deciding what I do with my time. Thank you so much again for sharing your self-employed journey with us. 🙂 Hope you have a lovely weekend! xxx

  19. Sounds like the best decision for you Heather. The not being appreciated is the decider. I am self employed and money is tight but I am far happier this way. I have been mostly self employed for 30 years and it aleays works for me. Your health comes first. Good luck. Xx

    1. That’s what most people have said. It can be a struggle financially wise but overall people say they are so much happier. 🙂 I am now looking forward to it and seeing it as more of an adventure than something scary (even though I am still worrying a little bit). 🙂
      How are you this week? xxxx

      1. Thats great Heather. Cheers to your adventure. 😊
        I am quite tired this week and felt a bit low at times but tonight I am going to see Clannad with my sister and know it will be a fabulous concert. 🎶

  20. I’m so sorry to read that you’ve been left in this position, and I wish that those who made you feel SO uncomfortable on your first day there were made to realise how their bile and spite (and I can’t help it but I feel that a weird sort of jealousy was in place too), has made a huge impact upon you.

    I’d also like to think that when their turn comes and payback kicks them in the rear end, that they remember what they did and realise why *this thing* (whatever it is) has happened to them. The Universe has this way of ensuring Balance.

    Sending you positive vibes, love and squidges ~ Cobs. xxx

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Cobs. I do think the job was kind of ruined for me from that first day. It was just such a bad start and I knew then it wasn’t the place for me long term.

      I was thinking of maybe trying to stay till July but some days I’ve really dreading going in and I’ve never had a job like that before. The restful quiet life sounds perfect for a little while. 🙂 Dizzy will be pleased we’ll be able to spend more time on our blog again too. 🙂

      How are you at the moment? Sending you squidges too! (I love that word 🙂 ) xxx

      1. I knew that the first day, when you met with some ‘hostile’ attitudes was the thing which spoilt your returning to work.

        Selfish attitudes and spite directed towards you can, and will spoil a day, plans or even sometimes, a life.

        You must promise me that when you find your thoughts turning to those people and those comments, that it’s not you who has the problem. It’s them.

        Here’s the thing ….

        If someone gave you a gift, and you didn’t want it, so gave it back…. Who would the gift belong to?

        The person who was trying to give you that *thing* in the first place, right? Right.

        So … mentally now, I want you to wrap up what they said, in individual parcels, and one by one, hand them back to those people who said those things. At the same time telling them that the generous sharing of their words as gifts was something you simply can’t keep, because you have no room for them in your life, “so here … you can have them back because I don’t want them!”
        Then imagine yourself smiling at them, and turning away, walking away … and not looking back.

        Those offensive gifts aren’t something you’d want to keep. You wouldn’t put one of those joke plastic poo shapes, on your coffee table and treat it as a treasured ornament, would you?

        So now think of their wordy gifts as plastic poo, and give them back. You have no room for nasty, plastic poo in your life.

        I think you need time to heal both physically and emotionally. You are a very worthy person and have no requirement to be brought down to the level those people are living in.

        Very soon you’ll decide to try again. And next time you won’t be met with unkindness. You’re a fabulous person. We can see it. Others can see it. Eventually you’ll find that people you work with will all see it too.

        That just wasn’t the place for you.

        Me? I’m ticking along. Or as I say with a smile on my face: “I’m awfully well for the state that I’m in!” lol.

        Sending love and buckets of squidges (I know … it’s a great word and says SO much lol) ~ Cobs. xxx <3

        1. Thank you so much for your lovely words (they really mean a lot to me) and you are right. The image of lots of fake plastic poos on the coffee table made me laugh too! 🙂
          You are right. I do just need time to rest and get better! 🙂 Already got tutees booked in too so I can work a little bit and spend the rest of my time looking after me for a while and doing lots of nice things.
          I’m glad you’re ticking along. That’s the main thing! 🙂 Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and sending lots of squidges to you too. 🙂 xxx

  21. I left secondary school teaching this time last year, and almost everything you write resonates with me. It’s not that I’ve had an easy year since then, of course it’s taken lots of time, energy and worry to get things sorted out, but I am now so much more content, and my MS is significantly better with the reduction in stress levels. I now have far more spoons to put towards things that make me happy! I hope things work out for you, well done for making such a difficult decision, I bet you won’t regret it – health is so much more important 🙂 xx

    1. Thank you. Secondary school is where I currently teach too. This is the first time I have taught in one though as I was always in FE before. I’m really glad you now have more energy and spoons. I’m sure I will too as even by the end of half term the other week I was starting to notice a little difference. What do you do now instead? xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)