It’s getting rather chilly out! Which has got Dizzy thinking about how to keep her little ears and ginger nut biscuits warm over the winter months. 🙂 In this episode she’s even enlisted the help of Jen and Robert with the task. 

This episode is a short and sweet one from us (mostly because of my lack of organisation the last month and having no internet) considering the weird things MS gets up to in the winter, and all the ways in which to keep ourselves warm and snug during the coming months. 🙂 

Don’t forget to also potter over to Dizzy’s Dotty Team page where you can find out a little more about us all. 🙂

We really hope you enjoy this months little episode, and please get in touch with any comments, questions, your suggestions for keeping warm or just to say hello. 🙂 We love to hear from you. xxx

Content for this episode:

Dizzycast Introduction – 0.00

Dizzy Discussion with Jen and Robert – 1.00

Byebye for this episode from me and Dizzy 🙂 – 27.48

35 Replies to “Dizzycast Ep. 10 A Defrosting Dizzy”

      1. Well, I must say, I’m not very good at it…. 😁Inside, no matter if it’s summer or winter, if I’m sitting down, I have a lap blanket over me and chances are I’m still chilly. For the past few days I’ve had to take the dogs out and I’ve worn 3 pairs of pants (cuddle duds, leggings, and jeans or yoga pants), my big coat, a scarf and hat, and I was still freezing! Layering my clothes seems to be the thing that helps most. 😊

    1. I think it effects alot of people. Makes just staying in bed seem to easiest option. 🙂 Spring and Autumn are definitely my favourite months. 🙂 What do you do to keep warm? 🙂 xxx

      1. YES! today is one of those days that has been horrible and i don’t want to get of bed but life sometimes gets in the way. I also enjoy spring and autumn the best and we had a very short autumn.
        For me, I wear socks, and long under ware and drink tea – and that is in the house! 🙂

  1. Ah dizzy keep defrosting! Dominic and I are dying in this heat down under. Solid days of heat gets old quick! In the winter it gets to about 5degrees Celsius, which I’m sure is still warm to you! But I put on my pjs and sit on the lounge with cups of tea! Love it
    Mel x

    1. I find it so odd to think that it’s your Summer at the moment! 🙂 I don’t think I would enjoy all that heat either though. :/ Give Dominic a big hug from Dizzy and I. 🙂 xxx

  2. Glad to have you doing your posts again after that internet mess. First those cute and lovable ponies, and now Dizzy and friends. Our weather has taken a bad turn – all the cold and it’s been freezing rain all afternoon and overnight – much too early for this and I hope you are not going to have a Winter like you did last year – sigh. {{{ }}}

    1. It’s all wet and cold here too! Not been a fan of getting out of bed the last couple of weeks at all. I feel like you’ll have to get a little jacket for Parker! 🙂 xxx

      1. I think he needs a jacket and a hat as well – it has been ugly indeed and a totally rainy Saturday – there may be a small window of opportunity to walk, but the rain is coming in from the south and that is me and it will start at 9:00 a.m. – the sun doesn’t get up until almost 8:00 a.m. (what is the sun – we never see it anymore?) Sunday morning will be more rain and fog – you and me are sick of this cold and Wintry-like weather and Winter is three weeks away. Hang in there – hopefully it gets better weatherwise – it sure can’t get worse! {{{ }}}

          1. Yes that dark at 4:00 stuff isn’t nice and even though we had the time change back on November 2nd, we’ve had absolutely no sun the month of November so sunrise came, but it was not bright outside, so I really couldn’t leave any earlier. We had freezing fog this morning Heather and I just stayed in and did housework and chores in the house (the only time the house gets cleaned properly is when the weather is crummy – oops, did I say that?) Hope your weather improves tomorrow … ours won’t til late afternoon. The squirrels will be fitful down at the Park! {{{ }}}

          2. Freezing fog is awful. It’s been much warmer here, but very wet and windy. Not going out weather at all. Did you manage to get to the park today though? xxx

          3. Yes it is slippery and you can’t see a thing – black ice is the worst for driving and/or walking. I did not go out yesterday and waited until 1:30 today to go out and when I did it was bright and sunny … or about 10-15 minutes, then a black cloud went overhead and it started to pour a mile from home. They said no more rain til overnight, so I didn’t take an umbrella – it was bright and sunny for the first time in forever. Walking home the gray cloud went away, but still raining and the sun was out – very strange and came home anyway as I was soaking wet … and annoyed. No Parker but the squirrels often are not out in the afternoon, they grab peanuts and other food they forage and go back up to their tree after the morning. But I never made i down there anyway – tomorrow for sure … now I’ll move my goal target date to Tuesday. We got to 60 degrees today and tomorrow will be 20 degrees colder and snow … not measurable, but still … hope you have a dry day tomorrow Heather. {{{ }}}

  3. Thank you guys. I listened with interest on all your tips for keeping warm. I think Fibromyalgia seems to affect temperature control too. Today, I have lots of layers on but my feet are like ice blocks. Making a big pot of lentil soup in the hope that it will help. x

    1. I get that sometimes, or I’ll go from being really cold to really hot in about 5 seconds. :/ I hope the lentil soup helped though. 🙂 Are you getting all the rain there too? xxx

  4. Another great episode from you all!. And Jen and her Slinket!. They do look so comfy…I dont think I would ever leave the house in winter if I had one! And the cold weather affects me also, but not as much as ‘extreme heat’ – I guess I’m not much fun in any seasons! haha. 😉 Wishing you a lovely weekend. x

    1. Lol i know, you end up with only a few small times of the year when the weather is perfect. 🙂 And I am very tempted by the slinket. They just look so comfy. Perfect for hibernating in. 🙂 xxx

  5. Got to keep Dizzy warm! Layers of shirts & sweat pants help me. You can ALWAYS add another layer and THEN grab your blankets to top off the job! Make sure to drink plenty of warm fluids each hour to avoid getting caught in the bathroom for too long. Keep your animals warm and provide them with warm food & drinks! Warm Ginger nut biscuits all around.

    1. Layers and blankets are just wonderful in the winter. I do have a collection of blankets ready for the really cold nights and days. 🙂 x How have you been Jeanette? xxx

  6. Loved this. Do not have MS yet have FMS, CFS , Osteo Arthritis, & Raynauds Phenomenon and all those make me that much more susceptible to the cold. I call it my broken internal thermostat that is permanently set to frozen! Am what they call a Friolero- Spanish term meaning extra sensitive to the cold. Do get affected by humidity heat yet dry heat really helps me!! Yet, even with a humid Summer’s day am not nearly as delicate as on a cold winter’s day or a cold wet winter’s day!! Yet, Autumn and Winter are the absolute worst Seasons for me. Agree with the guy in this podcast- have always been afffected by the cold even prior to chronic pains would take forever to warm up/defrost yet when chronic pain came along it made it so much worse!! Thank You so much for this! Warmest wishes, Clara

    1. Broken internal thermostat is a good way of describing it. 🙂 Mine seems to not know what setting it wants to be on though. Hot to cold in a matter in seconds sometimes. 🙂 It’s funny how we have been affected by it even before our chronic conditions. The heat use to always make me feel really ill before having MS. x Thank you so much for listening Clara. 🙂 xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)