Dizzy decided last week that she would love to take part in the MS Society’s  Kiss Goodbye to MS campaign! She’s been inspired by all the photos of people kissing goodbye to MS to raise funds for research.

Dizzy can’t resist brownies.

She’s usually munching on brownies whether they’re her brownies or not. So we thought this would be the perfect thing to kiss goodbye to!


Dizzy has been finding this a challenge but has discovered 3 top tips to help her succeed!

  1. Find a replacement for what you are giving up!

Dizzy loves snacking on brownies so when she started to get near snack time she wanted brownies! I was hoping we could go for a healthy replacement.

But she wasn’t having any of that…


…. so now Dizzy is on the gingernut biscuits.


2. Count down the days!

Dizzy (with abit of my help) has created a calendar so she can cross off the days and see how well she is doing. We’ve got cake in capital letters written down for the end of the challenge so she has something to aim for!


3. Get your friends to support you!

If you’re trying to give up brownies the last thing you want to see is your friends chomping away on brownies. Dizzy has got her friends to agree not to eat brownies for the month too! 🙂


Dizzy is now nearly half way through the challenge. 🙂 Have you ever given anything up to raise money for charity or just because you wanted to? What helped you achieve your goal? Dizzy’s still got a couple of weeks left so we would love to hear your tips! 🙂


If you would like to join Dizzy to raise funds and awareness for MS, sign up to kiss goodbye to MS! 🙂 Make sure to let us know if you do too. 🙂 xxx

23 Replies to “Dizzy Kissing Goodbye to MS”

  1. Some great advice there! I recently gave up coffee and have replaced my morning coffee with a cup of bone broth. It’s worked really well. Absolutely love your photography xx

  2. I like brownies, too, Dizzy! I once went on a juice fast (made myself vegetable and fruit juices) for 12 days, then ate vegetables for another week or so. Afterwards, I couldn’t get enough salad. When I got hungry, I would watch the Food Network. Beet greens–not a good taste. : (

    Good luck, Dizzy! You can do it!

    1. That’s determination. I don’t think me or Dizzy could just eat vegetables for 2 weeks! Well done for doing it!
      Dizzy’s enjoying the biscuits so I think she’ll be able to complete the challenge as long as we have a good supply of them around. 🙂 xxx

  3. I gave up YouTube, and listening to my favorite audio drama called Adventures in Odyssey. There YouTube went for about a month, and I am nearly halfway through my three months of no Adventures in Odyssey. I have found more time for reading and crafting, as well as making sure I finish my school on time and spend time with my family. 🙂

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)