Last week, Dizzy and I got up the courage and pottered to the hospital for our MRI scan. For once, the worry about the scan was not my main concern! Instead it was the thought of going somewhere where lots of people go, and the worry of Covid-19. Something that Dizzy and I have been fussing about for 3 months, at the beginning of lockdown, and when our MRI appointment first came through. After two reschedules though, we finally got there!

Dizzy and I worry, and we realise that we are not the only ones who do at this scary time.

With this is mind, Dizzy has created this little post about all the things we did to make ourselves feel a little safer on our hospital adventure.

  1. GET A COMFY MASK: Even before the hospital outing, Dizzy bought a nice, comfy, non-metal mask that she would be able to wear during the MRI.

For our scan, they did make us take the mask off just before, but this seems to be different at every hospital! And it does mean that we now own a very comfy mask to wear when we pop out. 🙂

2. ASK FOR AN EARLY APPOINTMENT: Dizzy also phoned the hospital to get a super early appointment. This meant we had the first MRI of the day (although, getting Dizzy out of bed at 6.30 for a 7.30 scan was a little tricky!), and that the hospital would be very quiet. It was so quiet, even the receptions weren’t there, the lights were off, and we had the whole waiting room to ourselves. 

3. TALK TO PEOPLE AT THE HOSPITAL: Dizzy also phoned the hospital to have a little chat about her concerns, which really helped. They assured her that the scanner was thoroughly cleaned between each person, and that they have many measures currently in place to help assure the safety of all patients.

4.TAKE HYGIENE ITEMS WITH YOU: On the day, Dizzy had a little pack ready, which included her mask, gloves and hand sanitizer. 

For in the car, the donkeys got carried away with the big bottle! But I told Dizzy she was only allowed to take the little one in with her… 🙂

5. ARRIVE EARLY: Dizzy made sure to get there a little early, as you have to get past security, have your temperature checked and use hand sanitizer before entering. People without a mask were also given one to wear.

6. TAKE SOMEONE WITH YOU: Only patients are allowed in the hospital, but having someone with you on the way, and waiting for you when you come out, can really make a difference. 🙂

7. KEEP 2 METRES DISTANCE: Dizzy then made sure to keep her 2 metre distance from everyone in the hospital (apart from the times when it was not possible, such as having the dye popped in her little leg). 

8. TAKE DEEP BREATHS: Dizzy also tried to keep calm by using some meditation techniques whilst on her way to the hospital and in the scan. Taking some slow, deep breaths can help, or imagining you are in a land of donkeys! 🙂

And all-in-all it was the easiest scan we had ever had! No waiting, and lovely and helpful staff. Although the scan was well over an hour, it actually went super quick. Partly because we were so tired, and were half asleep during the scan! 🙂

What have you been doing to make yourself feel safer when popping out? Or are you managing to keep the Covid-19 anxieties at bay? 🙂 xxx

23 Replies to “Hospital anxieties and helping tips (during Covid-19)”

  1. First of all, that is the most clever mask that Dizzy and her friends could own – it is not only comfy looking, but practical, considering there is a lot of nose and mouth to cover up. I don’t blame you to have worries in advance in this COVID-19 age. I am glad everything went smoothly and the results are as good as the experience. I have been overly cautious to be honest and masked up since day one. I have only been to public places on four different days and try to accomplish everything (errands and such) on one day which I refer to as my “germ day” … I turned 64 this year and being in an older age group has made me cautious and wary. I have an eye exam this week on Friday – that’s not as bad as the visit to the dentist which I deemed a necessity, like the eye doctor, but I had lots of angst over going. As to my hair – I did ZNOT deem it a necessity. I had highlights in my hair and have decided to let it just grow out and yesterday I took scissors in hand to cut my own hair – it looks like it. 🙂 Both of you take care and stay safe.

    1. How did your eye exam go? I had mine a couple of weeks ago, and again, made sure to have the first appointment! I was waiting outside before they had even opened. 🙂 xx I think being careful is the right thing to do. I am still limiting outings, except for country walks. 🙂 xxx

      1. The exam was okay and they were really careful, even holding open the door for you to go in/out – I had been concerned about that Heather and had taken gloves (several pair of vinyl gloves but they were not needed in the end). When I go to pick up my glasses, it is curbside and I will get there early like I did for my eye appointment. Like you, not taking any chances. We have to call from the car that we’ve arrived. I limit my outings too, but since I get a lot of pantry items in for Winter to avoid going out in the ice/snow, I’ll be having to go more often … not looking forward to it. I am still going to Park as much as possible.

  2. The mask is so important. I have now settled on one that is triple layers of cotton and has a small bit of metal above the nose to pinch and fit to my nose. I can easily take it on and off and it stays in the right shape for my face. Masks are mandated at the stables but we do not have to wear them while riding so that is why I like it to be easy to take on and off. I have hand sanitizer everywhere: in my tack locker at the stables, in my purse, in the car, inside the door at home etc. So I feel comfortable and safe. I am glad to see Dizzy and friends are staying safe too You have made good points in this post.

    1. Mine is cotton too, and I am starting to not even notice when I have it on. I made sure it was soft and comfy round my ears! 🙂 I had one that really dug in. xx And I have the hand sanitizer with me at all times too. It is so important to feel safe. xxx

  3. These are all great tips Heather. I think getting an early morning appointment is so reassuring. I was lucky to get one last month for a repeat echocardiogram, and it really helped.

    1. It’s been my plan with all appointments, and it really does make me feel calmer about the whole thing! xx We still can’t believe we won’t see anymore of your blog posts on here. But hope you are enjoying the lovely weather. 🙂 xxx

    1. Not going out does avoid the stress! But the couple of appointments I’ve had to have, I’m the first one there. 🙂 On those days, I’ve never been so keen to get up early! 🙂 xxx

  4. I’m glad your appointment went okay. It really is quite unnerving going into the GP practice or hospital at the moment. I was actually given a paper mask when I had a head MRI a couple of weeks ago, where they look out the metal piece across the nose. Pointless really as the whole thing just kept falling off my ears (too big – the mask, not my ears) and slipping down at the front, but at least it prevented my chin from catching covid!

    Some great suggestions and I think the early appointment time is a great idea. I prefer earlier appointments too because then you get it done and out of the way. Hand sanitiser is always good to have to hand when going out, and anything else we can do to get a bit more confidence in going and ensuring things are done as safely as possible is worth doing. Great tips Dizzy and co! xx

    1. They were giving out masks to everyone at the hospital entrance, so even though no masks in their MRI, it did make me feel much better. 🙂 And I think knowing your chin is covid safe is very important! My chin is now feeling very left out. 🙂 xxx Have you had your results back yet? xxx

  5. Actually Dotty and I are staying put lately. We have not gone anywhere in a long time. The weather in Florida is so summery that soon it will be time to head for the beach which is only a few blocks away to get some summer breezes but otherwise we have been safe and content. Many blessings to you and Dizzy,

  6. Great tips! I recently had an ultrasound at a hospital and had the same concerns as Dizzy. I followed many of Dizzy’s suggestions here, and fortunately I felt very safe throughout the test.

    1. That’s brilliant. I’m so glad you felt safe at the hospital too, as it is so stressful at the moment! I hope your test results come back ok aswell. 🙂 xxx

  7. Thank you Dizzy for your post, thought I better read it as I have my next OCREVUS infusion on Tuesday! I postponed it today because of the heatwave, although going into London next week will still be hot. I have been shopping and gone on a family holiday and think I better be more careful with going out. Anyway thanks again for your posts, I love reading them x

    1. Good luck for your infusion tomorrow. I hope it goes ok, and that it is a little cooler for you. xx It has been too hot for all of us these last few days. I think London is still a little quieter than usual though. My partner works in London, and has said it’s definitely a little less busy, which will hopefully make the trip easier. xx Will be thinking of your tomorrow. xxx

      1. Thanks Dizzy, my infusion went well, the process seems to be quicker as Ocrevus is used more. Less side effects but feeling very dopey now, the day after! London was quiet, people seem to be using masks and common sense. No idea what it will be like in February when the next infusion is due! xx

  8. I seemed to recover from the ‘dopey’ feeling better, than previously. Today I am really feeling it but that’s because I returned to our market stall yesterday after nearly 6 months away!!

    1. That’s good about the dopey feeling, and 6 months is ages. It’s amazing how much time has passed with lockdown. I hope you are looking after yourself and feeling better today. 🙂 xx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)