Pain is unfortunately something that we all experience at some points in our lives! Dizzy and I are lucky, as the only pain we get with our MS is painful legs once or twice a month, which does make us go ‘ouch!’ but luckily never lasts longer than a day or two. 🙂 

We know though, that MS, and many other conditions, can cause long periods of pain, which can be very difficult to deal with.

With this in mind, Dizzy has a made a little list of ideas for helping to cope with pain. 🙂


Getting enough rest is super important! No matter where the pain is or what kind it is, rest is always a good idea. It might not take the pain away completely, but if you’re resting, then you’re giving your body time to relax and look after itself. It can also help to give your body time to heal. 

Take something to help

 It is always a good to see your doctor and keep in touch with your specialist. This means that they can give you information on medications and any new treatments that may help. 🙂 

And you can also look into alternative medicine; although, please do check with your doctor before taking anything new. Alternative medicine can include a whole range of things, including herbal remedies, CBD and CBG oil. 

Gentle Exercises

Gentle exercise is really important for everyone, and it has been proven to help with some pain. It also helps to keep your body happier and healthier. Gentle exercise is a great way to get your body to release endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and they make you feel happier! 🙂 But do always be careful not to push yourself too far or do anything that causes more pain. 

These are just a few of our little tips, but what ones have you got for helping to deal with pain? 🙂 xxx


14 Replies to “Dizzy’s Tips for Helping with Pain”

  1. thank you! i have so much pain in my legs, especially at night and man oh man there are nights I am not sure I can sleep……….and I was wondering if I had been pushing myself too hard recently. hope you are both staying safe and well.

    1. I so hope your legs are a little better now. How have they been? x I usually find symptoms get worse when I am overdoing things, but it’s sometimes hard to know the exact reason. :/ And how have you been otherwise? xxx

      1. thank you for asking………..they are the same. it is soo darn frustrating, but I am sure you understand those feelings. I haven’t been overdoing it, darn it 🙂 – then I would have an excuse 🙂 How are you doing??

        1. I’m sorry they are the same. :/ I’m hoping that they will get better soon. Keep resting and looking after yourself. xx I’m not too bad, thank you. I am finding that working from home is helping with my energy levels, which is nice. And our new doggy is keeping me amused. 🙂 xxx

          1. YAY! I am thrilled you are able to work from home and you are reaping the benefits. 🙂 And you have your new buddy. Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it.

  2. Thank you for the helpful tips. Looks like Dizzy has found the springtime tulips. Our weather is alternating between very warm days and cool nights. Hope all is well with you and Dizzy and you’re staying safe. Dotty and I continue to work had at writing and hoping for these days to end. Blessings and best wishes from us.

  3. I think rest can be very underrated, probably because we feel guilty for doing it. Great tips, Dizzy.
    On another note, I just had to Google CBG oil! Can’t believe I hadn’t heard of it before. I’m really curious now what the difference is between CBD & CBG in terms of the products and the effects. This line of alternative healthcare is certainly a growing industry with increasing numbers of people finding it a helpful addition to their wellbeing routine, especially when dealing with pain.

    PS. Love Dizzy on the weight… Looks like it’s too heavy for Dizzy 😂😂😂

    Stay safe & take good care of yourself, Heather xxxx

    1. I think rest can be underrated too, but I find it the best remedy for most things! I always feel a little better after resting, and it is something which is so important to get. x Hehe, it is too heavy for Dizzy!! 🙂 x I hope you are doing ok, and stay safe. xxx

  4. Now the weather is a little nicer for getting out in the garden and for a short walk – I hope it helps alleviate some of your daily pain Heather.

      1. Already! Wow – ours are not out until late June. We are having rainy days, yesterday most of the day and a totally rainy day today. I don’t know how there is any more rain left up in the clouds!

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)