Last week, Dizzy and I got up the courage and pottered to the hospital for our MRI scan. For once, the worry about the scan(more…)
Category: Life
Dizzy making a practical home
Today we have a lovely little guest post, all about making our homes a little more practical. As Dizzy and I bought our first house(more…)
6 Dizzy Tips for a Better Sleep
Sleeping well is a must for all of us (and it is one of Dizzy and I’s favourite past times), but at the moment it(more…)
Dizzy gets advice on car repairs :)
This is a completely random guest post that we have today, and it is all about ways of saving money when our car needs a(more…)
Great Gifts to Send During Lockdown
In the UK we are now in week 8 of lockdown, and although Dizzy and I are doing fine, we know a few people who(more…)
Dizzy’s Tips for Helping with Pain
Pain is unfortunately something that we all experience at some points in our lives! Dizzy and I are lucky, as the only pain we get(more…)
Things to do while staying safe at home
At the moment, it can be a little bit tricky to find new things to do while staying safe at home. It has now been(more…)
A New Dizzy Donkey Doggy Friend
Dizzy and I have a new doggy! And she is called Willow. 🙂 She is a street doggy from Romania, and she was very sad(more…)
8 Tips for Road Tripping :)
This is currently our last guest post, which is all about tips for going on a road trip! As it’s March, and Easter is fast(more…)
Dizzy’s Affordable Ways to Have Fun :)
Dizzy is having to be a little more careful with her pennies now that she is a home-owning donkey! Suddenly she is not just having(more…)