Me and Dizzy are on a little mission at the moment to get back into doing more meditation. This is something we’re been doing (successfully and unsuccessfully) for a few years now, but recently we have really been missing out on our daily meditation.

Meditation has been proven to have loads of benefits, and it is especially important for people with chronic illness as it helps to reduce stress. Stress can be a major issue, and it something that causes mine and Dizzy’s symptoms to flare up.

For this post we’ve decided to look at the best ways to meditate for us! We find it very hard to just sit still and meditate, so we’ve been exploring other options! 🙂

  1. Meditation while walking – You can do this by focusing on how you feel as you walk, the ground beneath your feet and what you see as you are walking. It is recommended that this works best by taking small, slow steps. 🙂

IMG_0591 (2)

2. Meditating while eating – Me and Dizzy love our food, so what could be better than being able to meditate while eating! This involves being aware of the food you are eating, you can study the food before you eat it,  considering the taste, texture and smell, and then while slowly chewing the food being aware of the same aspects.


3. Meditating while discovering an object – This can involve touching and looking at an object in detail. I love to hold something and really feel all the different parts of it. Me and Dizzy do this while also focusing on our breathe, but holding an object stops our minds from wondering off too much. 🙂


4. Meditating while going on an imagninary adventure! – This is time when you can let your imagination go mad! You can visualise yourself off into different lands (for us, usually magical) and enjoy the freedom this provides. There are also visualisations available that you can follow to get you started. 🙂

Me and Dizzy love Lord of the Rings and couldn’t believe it when we found these Lord of the Rings inspired ones! 🙂

5. Meditating through yoga – Yoga is amazing for quietening your mind and helping you to relax. Meditation is easily incorporating into yoga but focusing on the yoga positions and your breathe. We also find it much easier to do a simple sitting meditation after some yoga, as the yoga has already helped us to feel more relaxed 🙂

Dizzythedonkey yoga 2

What are your favourite ways to meditate? And how have you overcome any struggles with your mediation journeys? 🙂 xxx


53 Replies to “A meditating Dizzy…”

  1. I’ll bet I know which type is Dizzy’s favorite…. :o) These are some great tips Heather. Thanks so much for sharing them. Like you guys, I have a hard time just sitting still and meditating; I do much better with the ones that incorporate some type of movement.

    1. It’s one of the reasons I’ve always liked yoga so much, my brain can’t focus on standing on one leg and worrying! 🙂 It’s nice to know I’m not the only one that struggles with the sitting still and meditating though. x I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend Terri. 🙂 xxx

  2. Meditation is something I thought I that I always unintentionally avoided. But, now that you mentioned it, I do meditate in the ways other than sitting still. I agree- Yoga and walking are great ways to collect your thoughts and meditate. Thank-you for making me feel a little more normal. 😃🤗 Great pictures and inspiring post!

    1. It’s making me realise quite a few people find it difficult to just sit still and meditate! I wasn’t sure if I was just the odd one out. 🙂 Yoga and walking and so lovely to do. I’ve been making an effort to go on more walks recently and it is so calming and peaceful. 🙂 Hope you have wonderful week! 🙂 xxx

  3. I like your concept of meditation. It is living in the present for many of these meditations. I found meditation usefull when I was first diagnised with Systemic Scleroderma. The diagnosis made me panic and meditation ( seated but not in a yoga position) helped me to be calmer and to let my panic go. I still use it when I am in a stressfull situation or worried about something. I have a mantra I use while meditating as it helps to silence the chatter in my head.

    1. I’m so glad meditating helped you with your diagnosis and the panic from it. I have heard that having a mantra can work really well! If you don’t mind me asking, how did you decide on which mantra to use? xxx

  4. this is a great post and i also love meditating. i usually go to YouTube and listen to some relaxing music………and sit and just be………..feeling and experiencing the moment.

    1. She loves those ginger nut cookies! And thank you, Dizzy wasn’t so sure about having us both in the photo, she likes to be the main focus! 🙂 🙂 x Hope you have an amazing week this week. 🙂 xxx

  5. Thanks for giving us a peek into your’s and Dizzy’s stress-reliever suggestions!
    I don’t consider my routine to be ‘meditation’ per se, but I listen/feel/count the rhythm of my feet as I’m walking the trail…and then add my controlled breathing (in through nose – 12345678 out through mouth – 12345678) as I walk.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. I absolutely love the meditation you and Dizzy share with us! Both of you give me so much hope and knowledge about meditation! I appreciate both of you so much because y’all are just so incredible! Dizzy definitely deserves the ginger cookies with all the effort she puts into these lessons!!

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Alyssa! I’m really glad we posted about our meditation and struggling with not being able to do it sitting still, it’s made me realise lots of people also have the same problem. 🙂 It’s not just me and Dizzy being odd! 🙂
      Hehe, Dizzy very much likes your comment too. She agrees that she deserves her ginger cookies. x Hope you have a wonderful week Alyssa. 🙂 xxx

      1. You are more than welcome! You and Dizzy are pretty inspiring to all of us, especially those of us that can not sit still! Dizzy is sweet and the love of ginger cookies is adorable! Do you like the ginger cookies as well?

          1. Oh no, tell Dizzy she won’t be able to share anymore meditation info if she doesn’t share the cookies! I have never had ginger cookies, maybe I should try them!

          2. I definitely will! I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow, so I will get some ginger cookies. Do they taste like ginger breadmen cookies? That was probably a silly question!

    1. It is really hard to get your mind to be still. Mine feels like it’s going at a 100 miles an hour all the time. But I have found these really help. 🙂 Music is a great one too! I find music can instantly make me feel more relaxed and calmer. 🙂 xxx

  7. Thank you for the beautiful reminder to try to incorporate some different meditation practices in my day to day…and yes, how lovely to see a picture of you and Dizzy meditating, you both look so peaceful!

    1. Thank you, how do you get on with meditation? I’m learning lots of people have the same trouble as me and Dizzy with just sitting still and doing it! And thank you, we were feeling very relaxed during our little park outing that day. 🙂 xxx

      1. Most of my meditation happens during yoga class or on beautiful walks through the forest…my goal, one day, is to light a candle and spend some time here in the apartment meditating, hopefully making it a daily practice!

  8. I am trying to practice mindfulness more! Meditating I find hard to do, but I do have an ap on my phone for it! And my amazon echo will play nice relaxing sounds too if I just ask alexa! xx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)