Me and Dizzy seem to have ended up doing a little series of posts on anxiety. A few months ago we did a post on 10 things about living with anxiety and then last month 7 tips for coping with anxiety To finish off our mini series we have decided to do a little post on 7 ways in which you can help someone you may know who has anxiety. 🙂

  1. Let them know that they can talk to you.


2. Ask how you can help and be encouraging.


Dizzy says that the best way to help is to give someone ginger nut biscuits or make them brownies. She just needs to then remember not to eat them all herself! 🙂

3. Encourage them to seek help.

dizzythedonkey computer

Dizzy and her donkey friends have been doing their research on the different places where help is available. 🙂

4. Don’t get frustrated and don’t give up hope with them.


5. Be there for them and let them know you are there for them anytime.


Dizzy’s very good with this one. I’m suspicious she’s more interested in looking at the photo of herself on my phone though. 🙂

6. Spend time with them.


7. Don’t expect quick changes. It takes time.

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These are mine and Dizzy’s ways of helping someone with anxiety. 🙂 Do you have any too that you know or have used yourself? 🙂 xxx

59 Replies to “7 ways of helping someone with anxiety”

  1. Brilliant post as always! Fantastic tips on how to cope with anxiety. I am a very anxious person but really have tried to get better at relaxing more. I think maybe I should try making brownies like Dizzy does, maybe that would make a huge difference!! Much love to you, Dizzy and Dizzy’s friends for always bring a smile to my face!!!

    1. I think brownies always help! 🙂 I’m the same with being a very anxious person and am also working on relaxing more about life. Thank you for your lovely comment again. Sending donkey hugs. 🙂 xxx

          1. Oh goodness no worries! I kind of forget time differences as well! I went to work this morning and the roads were actually pretty clear! It was COLD though! I hope you are having a good day!!!!

  2. Great post. Compassion goes a long way, you don’t expect people to see things from your point of view, but to hear they genuinely understand why you feel how you do and be there waiting with a hug works for me 😂

  3. When things are going wrong , dealing with humanity can Be insurmountably difficult, but knitted donkeys are some how more approachable and much less worrying. Dealing with anxiety is often finding the oblique way to cope. Well done.

  4. Such a lovely post and a helpful one as well. I understand Dizzy’s like for the brownies or biscuits. I have found that going to see a friend who suffers from anxiety with a teapot and chamomile tea and honey has helped and then just stay with the friend until they feel a bit better. On one occasion it did not help and the person had to go to hospital. I think that in an extreme case like that supporting them in a decision to go to the ER is good and to go with them and stay until they are seen or admitted.

    1. Thank you for your comment Anne. I think the little things like taking round some treats and being with the person makes such a difference. I hope your friend is now doing better. She’s very lucky to have you there for her. xxx

  5. These are wonderful ideas and tips, and a very important post as a lot of people can get either frustrated or despondent when it comes to helping someone with anxiety. x

  6. Very nice ways . Liked all. One way I want to say is :- Always think that I am not alone , God is with me. Think about those , whose condition is worst than us , that will console us automatically that , I am far better than them. Thank God ! 🙂

  7. These are wonderful tips! As someone that struggles with anxiety, I wish more people in my life knew about this stuff so they can work with me on this, rather than me feeling alone. I need a supportive friends like Dizzy.

    1. Thank you Bianca. xx It is such a hard thing to live with and the small things that others do does make a difference. I’m sorry that you’re having to feel alone with it. If you even need someone to chat to, me and Dizzy are always here. 🙂 xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)