The snow is here! And I’ve been trying to convince Dizzy to make a snowdonkey with me, but so far she is not to be persuaded. To be honest, it is pretty chilly out there! 

And I must admit that Winter is not my favourite time of year. It’s cold, dark and just a little bit miserable at times. My MS is also not a fan, with extra dizziness, and if you’re not that confident on your feet, icy pavements is never going to end well. But it can also be really beautiful and quiet. So instead of going outside, Dizzy has found some quotes to help remind us of the beauty of winter. 🙂

  1. Snowflakes are kisses from Heaven. – Unknown
  2. In the depths of winter I finally learnt there was in me an invincible summer. – Albert Camus
  3. The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different. – J.B. Priestley 

  4. To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold. – Aristotle

  5. Kindness is like the snow – It beautifies everything. – Kahlil Gibran 

   6. Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy        every idle hour. – John Boswell

   7. Winter is the time of comfort, for good food and warmth. –  Edith Sitwel

   8. The colour of the springtime is in the flower; the colour of winter is in the imagination. – Ward Elliot Hour

   9. One kind word can warm three winter months. – Japanese proverb

   10. I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that is kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug,     you know, what a white quilt; and perhaps it says, ‘Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes.’- Lewis Carroll

What’s your favourite thing about winter, and what do you do on the days when it is too cold to venture out? xxx

And Dizzy does also have a little post on how to keep warm, if you are struggling to this winter, which you can find here. 🙂 xx

44 Replies to “10 Cosy Winter Warming Quotes”

  1. I love these quotes Heather – you picked some great ones! Are those little socks on Dizzy’s hooves? She looks so cute all snuggled under her blanket. Like you, I’m not a huge fan of winter, but when it snows, I love the beauty of the snow blanketing everything and the quiet that comes with it. It’s as if the snow works to muffle even the typical city noises all around us. Hope you and Dizzy stay nice and warm!

    1. They are little socks on Dizzy’s hooves, as they can sometimes get abit chilly when she’s out in the cold weather. 🙂 The snow is beautiful. It’s nearly all gone here now though, and has been replaced by rain. Think I need to find Dizzy a little umbrella. 🙂 xxx

  2. Brrr it sure is cold! I’m not surprised Dizzy doesn’t want to make snowdonkies, it’s time for hot chocolate & blankets, he’s not silly! 😉
    Wonderful quotes, thank you for sharing. I think this one – “The colour of the springtime is in the flower; the colour of winter is in the imagination” – which I hadn’t heard before, is strangely incredibly inspiring.xx

    1. Definitely more blanket weather. 🙂 All the snows gone now, and has been replaced by rain. Did you have the snow last week too? x And I love that quote aswell, and agree that it’s incredibly inspiring too. Even if we have to stay in, our imaginations can take us anywhere. 🙂 xxx

      1. We had a brief sprinkling of now over 12 hours, then just as quickly it disappeared. Our imaginations really can take us anywhere. Just like Google maps (and the little man you can walk the streets with) can take us anywhere in the world we may otherwise not get to see 🙂
        Caz xx

      1. I did actually – we went out for a walk and then built two snommen. Two, because the head got so big and heavy that we couldn’t lift it between us without it all falling apart, so we made it into another body, made two heads, and decided the snowman had a friend! Sorry Dizzy didn’t like it though! XX

  3. Dizzy and friends out for a stroll in the snow, meet up with lady unicorn. Dizzy comes inside to a plate of freshly baked BROWNIES – yum! Then settles in for a snuggly warm winter’s night sleep.
    Happy day for Dizzy.
    Take care, luv (isn’t that a British term or did I get it wrong?)

    1. Hehe, it is a pretty good way to spend a day isn’t it? 🙂 All the snows gone now, but we have got rain and fog instead. Dizzy’s not keen. x And it is a British term! 🙂 How are you doing? xxx

  4. Those quotes are great :-). My favorite thing about winter is the quiet. Less people out, generally less background noise, no lawn mowers or leaf blowers, when there is snow it makes everything quiet and still.

  5. Beautiful and inspiring quotes 💕✨ I also remember some of the quotes in this post. I enjoy walking through the snow and taking pictures. My favourite season is Summer though haha. I don’t like the cold

    1. My favourite is the Spring, Summer gets abit too hot for me! But I love the light evenings and seeing all the flowers. 🙂 x I don’t like the cold either! Lol. xx

  6. Thank you lovely lady for these great quotes! You know how much I love quotes and these were so wonderful!!!!
    Heather, I wanted to ask you if you would mind if I share in post in a few days how amazing I find you and your blog. If you would prefer I not do this, I will respect your wishes. I just really wanted others to know just how incredibly strong you are!!

    1. Aww, thank you Alyssa. Of course I don’t mind, that’s just so lovely of you to think of sharing my blog. 🙂 Dizzy’s saying thank you too. 🙂 xx How’s the weather where you are? Are you getting the really cold weather we’ve been seeing on the news? xxx

  7. The Lewis Carroll quote is my favorite. I’m not a fan of severe cold as I get tight everywhere in my body. But what I love about snow is that when it is really cold is sparkles in the sun and even in moonlight. Also when it is snowing it is so quiet.

      1. He doesn’t mind it but he does not like the very cold weather even though I have a super warm winter rug for him to wear outside. It is very high tech and reflects the heat and isn’t to heavy and has a neck collar but he still doesn’t want to stay outside too long if it is -15 Celsius. Hea lucky he can come to Florida for most of the winter

          1. Me too. That is the temperature at which Goretex fabric starts to crackle like a plastic bag. His hi tech winter blanket is nice and super warm but not heavy. I’m sure they make coats for humans that are similar. Anyway…stay warm!

  8. The quotes are lovely! I lived in Salt Lake City, UT for several years. Lots and LOTS of snow there. 🙂 My window seemed to face the perfect direction for the snow to land and slide down. I used to love to sit and watch each flake land and see it’s delicate design. So pretty! Hoping today is kind to you🌻

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)