16 Replies to “Top 5 Tips for Managing MS Fatigue”

  1. Very helpful video for those who are dealing with MS. Even though my situation is different I deal with anxiety I can tell you there are days that are gray and dark with rain falling and I just cannot begin to get to work so I divide my day between working as much as I can and when I tense up I lay down and let my whole body relax, It helps me deal greatly. The best for the new week to you and Dizzy from me and Dotty,

    1. Thank you, and I have anxiety too. I find when it’s grumpy, it makes the fatigue so much worse! The lying down and relaxing is a great tip. xx How are you and Dotty doing? Are you both ready for Christmas? 🙂 xxx

  2. That was clever Heather (oh and Dizzy too). I like your cheery way of presenting the ways to manage MS fatigue and Dizzy, as usual was her sweet self, especially enjoying that plate of brownies … sweets for the sweet!

    1. Enjoying brownies is something that Dizzy is very good at! I do believe it is also her favourite past time. 🙂 🙂 xx How have you been? Will you be doing anything for Christmas? xxx

      1. I could easily make eating brownies my favorite past time too. Too bad I don’t know how to bake … I once burned slice-and-bake cookies. All you have to do is take them out of the package and slice them onto a pan … I burnt them beyond recognition! I have been fine Heather and suddenly it has turned very cold … this morning it was blustery and gray and a north wind and I was the only person at the Park and just one squirrel waiting for me. Nicer to hunker down at home, whether “home” is a nest or a house. I am not doing anything special for Christmas since it is just me, but looking forward to the three-day weekend. Hoping my boss leaves early on Christmas Eve and maybe extend it a little farther. How about you – anything special planned or staying home due to COVID worries? I know your lockdown is going to have a little “wiggle room” for the holidays to permit visits with family.

        1. It all got changed at the last minute, and as we’re now in tier 4, no ‘wiggle room’. But we are just planning a super simple and quiet Christmas, which is what I like best. 🙂 I hope your boss leaves a little early today too, and that you have a wonderful Christmas. 🙂 xxx

          1. It is safer to stay home this year … but I see many people taking off on vacation and they said the airports were jam packed, but it is easy for me to say that since I have no family to visit me or vice versa. I am a homebody anyway, so I’m happy to hunker down and stay put. Depending on the snow that falls tonight, I’ll escape on a walk and that’s it. He did not leave, but I did at 3:00 because he was working from home and no clients were at their offices, so I said “bye, Merry Christmas” … 🙂 Have a wonderful Christmas too Heather. {{{ }}}

  3. Brilliant video Heather and the tips are so simple but so useful. I’ve found that if I sleep for more than an hour during the day it affects my night time sleep, so it is such a balance. That little nap is so essential though! xx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)