MS and other chronic illnesses can cause many different symptoms and struggles, and Dizzy has been contemplating tiny tips for helping to manage these and make the day just a little easier. 🙂 

Please do visit your doctor with any new/unusual/prolonged symptoms though. 🙂 Dizzy does call herself Doctor Dizzy, but she’s really not (please don’t tell her I said that..). 🙂 

Sitting Up Straight

Most of us spend a lot of time sitting down (I know I do), and for many people with MS this can be unavoidable. But if possible, it can have a positive impact to practice good posture. Not only can it make a difference in the short term, but also the long term. It can help with things like back pain, but also muscle spasms and stiffness. 

Walk Consciously

Again, this is not always possible for people with MS, but if you are able to consider how you are walking. When you walk tall and straight, you put less strain on your muscles and ligaments, which can help to make both sides stronger. With MS, including my own, one side is a little stronger than the other, and therefore that side usually takes a little more weight. Considering balance and symmetry can help to balance this weight back out. 🙂


I find that I can easily get anxious, and the more anxious I get the grumpier my MS becomes. A small thing to keep in mind is to breathe when things start to become overwhelming. It can be really helpful to just sit quietly for a few moments, taking some long, slow deep breathes. 

Consider Alternatives

Some alternatives, such as CBD patches and creams can really help with small issues, such as achey and tense muscles.

There are also options such as massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and acupuncture, that can make a difference to both physical and mental wellbeing. It’s just finding what works for you, and what you enjoy! We love a little massage to help with our tense shoulders. 🙂


The most important one! Make sure to rest throughout the day. I find a little nap in the afternoon makes a huge difference to my energy levels and how I am feeling overall. Listen to your body. 🙂 Dizzy and her friends completely agree with this one too! 

What are your little tips for helping to get through the day, and make symptoms just a little easier to manage? We would love to hear them. 🙂 xxx

10 Replies to “Tiny Tips for Making the Day a Little Easier with MS”

  1. You and Dizzy are getting the basics down and sharing them – that’s a good thing. Yes, don’t tell Dizzy she is not a doctor as it will hurt or feelings and don’t rely on “Dr. Google” either. 🙂

    1. Hehe, I would have a very grumpy Dizzy on my hands if I told her she wasn’t a real doctor. Probably wouldn’t speak to me for a while. 🙂 xx How are you doing Linda? 🙂 xxx

      1. Dizzy sure would be refusing to post for any pictures with her friends and sunflowers Heather! I am fine, a little harried at work and glad for the long holiday weekend. How are you doing? I am sorry I am so tardy responding. We’ve had some stormy weather and I try to stay off the computer then (even though I would really like to have curly hair).

        1. Don’t worry at all. I’m being terrible at replying quickly at the moment, as you can tell from this one! xx I don’t know where the time goes. How has your summer been so far? It has been really, really hot here! xxx

          1. It has been really hot here too Heather … I have gotten my walking done but it was hot and a few times I walked at a big store to get it done. We had a rainy weekend and have a storm rolling in now. It was stormy off and on today and I was behind in comments and Reader and I have been trying to catch up in between the storms.

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)