Dizzy is very excited, as she now has her very own little Dizzy donkey shop. 🙂 You can view it here or by clicking on ‘The Dizzy Shop‘ tab at the top. 🙂

10% of all profits will go to help the street cats and dogs in Bulgaria, in memory of my little Brock, and to help other little doggies out there find their forever homes. 🙂

Sending lots of donkey hugs. 🙂 xxx


49 Replies to “The Dizzy Shop is now open :)”

    1. It’s not on the logo, but I have shared it on posts and social media that she painted Dizzy for us, because we love it so much!! I’ve never known anyone to put the name of the person on their logo? xxx

  1. I just bopped over to the shop – that Dizzy has her hooves into everything doesn’t she? I like all your and Dizzy’s items and the calendar is very cute – I told Dizzy on the “The Dizzy Shop” site that she is lucky you captured her best side for the calendar shots. I especially like seeing those coveted ginger biscuits. 🙂

    1. Hehe, the ginger nut biscuits couldn’t not make it into the calendar! Dizzy was insistent about it. 🙂 There’s a few pictures of the donkeys munching in it. 🙂 They always seem to be hungry! x And thank you, we like the calendar best too. 🙂 xxx

  2. Congratulations Dizzy on your own shop! I am so happy and excited for you as I know this will be a success. I promise you as soon as my finances are better and I am not painfully broke, I will buy something to help you and the poor kitties! Great job Dizzy and of course Heather!!

    1. Aww, thank you Alyssa. And please don’t feel like you have to buy anything from our little shop. 🙂 Even if we don’t sell much, it just means me and Dizzy are sorted with bags forever! 🙂 x I’m also so glad your new job is going so well, everyone sounds so lovely there. 🙂 xxx

      1. You are welcome Heather! I have a nickname among those that have been to my house, “The Bag Lady”. I absolutely love bags so I will do my best to get one! I am so happy y’all have this shop now though! The new job has been great and I hope it stays that way! I hope you and Dizzy are doing well and have a great week! xxx

      1. I’m having a lot of trouble and am really stressed out!! I don’t think my current website really suits what I’m going to be doing. All I wanted was an online store to sell my products but I can’t have a .com or a .com.au because you have to have a registration as a business and there’s all this red tape attached,

        1. You could always keep this site as a blog, and just create a little new site as your online store. 🙂 Try not to get stressed out, it is all so confusing but you will get there. 🙂 Have you tried youtube videos for help? They have everything on there. xxx

          1. I ended up getting a new site. I will still blog on here but that will be my store. I may need your help with set up of the store , downloading Woocommerce etc.

          2. I think that sounds a really good idea, and then have links to your shop from your blog so people can easily find it. 🙂 And I would be happy to help, Woocommerce actually didn’t turn out to be that bad. 🙂 Have you decided on a new for your new site yet? xxx

          3. Yes. It will be a surprise. It’s not ready at the moment though and is taking me a lot longer than expected because I don’t know how to remove the sample/demo products in my store and I need to choose a good theme.

          4. I think first thing is to choice a theme. 🙂 That’s what I did, and then set up the woocommerce side of things. 🙂 There’s so many themes to choice from though. It took me days! xxx

    1. Thank you so much Brigid! I hope you are having an amazing staycation and I really appreciate you taking a little break from it to pop over to say good luck. 🙂 Dizzy says ‘hi’ too! xxx

          1. It was just perfect Heather and I so enjoyed every day of it. Evita was the highlight on Thursday. I loved it. Today the sun shone and I had a glorious beach walk. How are you? X

          2. Our weather has been abit different than yours today. It poured non stop! It was also my bf’s birthday, but we had a nice relaxing day watching films. I got him his own knitted donkey! 🙂 xxx

          3. It has been replaced with fog today. 🙂 But at least the rain has passed. 🙂 And he did, he’s still deciding on a name for his little donkey though. x And we shall look forward to seeing you over at our shop. 🙂 xxx

  3. Yay! Gonna shop this for upcoming holiday gifts for sure…hope it takes and/or converts US$ to UK/Euros.
    I especially like the spoonie bag (I’m not an MSer, but I have my spoonie moments) and the calendar.

    1. Dizzy loves the calendar the best. She’s already put one by for herself! 🙂 x And at the moment it’s set up through paypal so should be easy to use. 🙂 If there’s any problems or you would rather pay in a different way just let Dizzy know and she will sort it out. 🙂 xxx

  4. Awww, little Dizzy! Congrats on your own personal shop. So wonderful, can’t wait to check out what you got there. Also your donations are soooo precious-all those cats and dogs will benefit gratefly from your kindness.

    1. Awww, thank you. Dizzy is very excited about her little shop. 🙂 And it is a charity very close to our hearts, they always seem to be struggling so much for money too. This weekend we’ve bought our stuff to send them a Christmas shoe box for some of the doggies. 🙂 xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)