Creativity can be a great way of helping to cope with many of the aspects that living with a chronic illness can bring. And recently,(more…)

Tag: stress
3 Ways to Cope with Health Anxiety
Health anxiety is one thing that Dizzy and I definitely struggle with. We always have, even before MS! A slight pain or bumpy thing, and(more…)
Dizzy’s Simple Tips for Managing Stressful Situations
Stress seems to be something none of us can completely avoid, including donkeys! And at the moment is seems unavoidable with the current pandemic. Although(more…)
A meditating Dizzy…
Me and Dizzy are on a little mission at the moment to get back into doing more meditation. This is something we’re been doing (successfully(more…)
Dizzycast Ep. 6 A De-Stressing Dizzy
This month me and Dizzy have been thinking all things stress! 🙂 Life is stressful anyway, but can be even more so when you live with(more…)
Antidepressants and cake…
This week me and Dizzy pottered off to the doctors with our little list of questions, and pottered out with a prescription for antidepressants and(more…)
Dizzy’s tips for helping to look after your mental health
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week! And for the week Dizzy has been considering ways in which we can help to look after ourselves. 🙂 Dizzy’s(more…)
7 ways of helping someone with anxiety
Me and Dizzy seem to have ended up doing a little series of posts on anxiety. A few months ago we did a post on(more…)
10 things about living with anxiety
It’s World Mental Health Day today so me and Dizzy thought we would do a little post on what living with anxiety caused by chronic(more…)
Dizzy’s simple tips for stressful situations
Last week was our first week in our new teaching job and also our first time experiencing discrimination and harassment at work, or anywhere! I have gone(more…)