This month me and Dizzy have been thinking about disclosing to other’s when you’re diagnosed with a chronic condition such as MS. 🙂 In this episode we(more…)

Tag: chronic condition
Dizzy’s top tips for keeping warm
Me and Dizzy have been feeling a little chilly this week, so we’ve made a list of the best way we have found for keeping warm! 🙂 Wear(more…)
Dizzycast Ep.1 A Daydreaming Dizzy
Here’s our very first episode of Dizzycast! 🙂 (which is abit scary but also super exciting!) Please head over to Dizzy’s Dotty Team page where(more…)
Dizzy’s bedtime yoga routine
Dizzy has really got into doing her yoga lately! So we’ve decided to do a little post on our favourite bedtime yoga routine. These positions can be used(more…)
A day in the life of a spoonie Dizzy…
This week me and Dizzy have been contemplating the Spoon Theory! With our new job we haven’t had enough energy to be keeping up with our(more…)
Dizzycast! Dizzy on a search…
Me and Dizzy are venturing into the land of podcasts (this could be something we do once and never speak of again…) but for now(more…)
Dizzy’s top tips for keeping cool!
Summer is on it’s way and me and Dizzy have definitely noticed an increase in humidity! For us this means being even more dizzy… Heat is(more…)
5 words to describe life with MS…
It’s World MS Day! And this year the theme is ‘Life with MS’, so me and Dizzy have thought of 5 words that sum up life(more…)
A tale of never ending sleepyness…
Today our post is on fatigue! We thought we would do a post on this as it’s something that seems to come as an added(more…)
Dizzy on a mission for MS Awareness Week
This week is MS awareness week and Dizzy is on a mission to help raise awareness of the condition! If you would like to know(more…)