‘Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.’ – Dr. Seuss Today me and Dizzy are thinking(more…)

Tag: chronic condition
Dizzycast Ep. 9 A Dancing Dizzy
This month me and Dizzy have been thinking about getting active with MS! First of we’re very lucky to be joined by Dr Julie Latchem-Hastings(more…)
Dizzycast Ep. 8 A Down Dizzy
This month me and Dizzy have been thinking about the down days that we all get in life, and in particular the down days when(more…)
The Troublesome Tecfidera
It began with the itching, just a little bit at first. I told Dizzy there must be lots of little bugs around at the moment. But(more…)
Dizzycast Ep. 6 A De-Stressing Dizzy
This month me and Dizzy have been thinking all things stress! 🙂 Life is stressful anyway, but can be even more so when you live with(more…)
Quotes for the days when there are no spoons
Last week me and Dizzy had a couple of days where we were completely out of spoons (you can find out more about the spoonie theory by clicking here(more…)
Dizzy on a little wander…
Me and Dizzy are on a little, getting ourselves out and about, mission at the moment. 🙂 After our relapses last year me and Dizzy have not(more…)
7 ways to manage fatigue
Me and Dizzy have just done another little post for Overcoming MS, on 7 ways to manage fatigue, which we thought we would also share here.(more…)
Dizzycast Ep. 5 A Driving Awareness Dizzy
This week is MS Awareness week in the UK, so Dizzycast this month is about all things awareness! 🙂 Dizzy’s taking this week very seriously and is pottering out telling(more…)
Dizzy’s tips for surviving an MRI
On Tuesday me and Dizzy pottered off for our little MRI. 🙂 I do get in abit of a panic about them, and this year Dizzy decided to(more…)