Dizzy and I were very lucky to have a very exciting opportunity recently. From the beginning of November, the MS Society was involved in a(more…)

Tag: chronic condition
A Sailing Dizzy!
Dizzy has been a very adventurous Dizzy this summer, and has been out and about on the water! Just before the summer we found out(more…)
Dizzy’s MS Alphabet!
It’s MS awareness week! And for the occasion Dizzy has come up with her own MS alphabet! Each letter in the words Multiple Sclerosis have(more…)
Dizzy on Injections – 10 Top Tips for making them a little less scary :)
Six weeks ago, Dizzy and I started our new MS treatment. But this time it was not the side-effects that worried us: it was the(more…)
Dizzycast Ep. 17 A Festive Dizzy
Dizzy is feeling very festive, as it nearly Christmas! This year has felt very strange, and Dizzy wanted to do a little light hearted episode(more…)
The Chronically Hopeful Award :)
The beautiful Terri from Reclaming HOPE has nominated Dizzy and I for the Chronically Hopeful Award. 🙂 We don’t usually do award posts anymore (they were(more…)
Dizzy and friends: How to see Rainbows Instead of Relapses
Last week Dizzy and I made a little post about our fear of relapses (well I did, Dizzy was nattering on about her dinner at(more…)
Rainy Raspberry Relapses
The last week Dizzy and I have been thinking about relapses (and we’re not even having a relapse at the moment – quickly touching wood).(more…)
7 Ways to Help Cope with an MS Diagnosis
It was nearly four years ago that I was diagnosed with MS. And for me it was rather a shock. Before I started acquiring my(more…)
Horse Riding and MS
Dizzy and I have started on a new adventure – horse-riding! Now this is something I was really scared about as I hadn’t ridden since(more…)