Dizzy and I are a little rubbish at New Year Resolutions. I think we did manage to keep one for about six months once, which was pretty good, but most have only lasted a few days!Β 

This year we have decided to just think about making some small chances for the new year, with our health and happiness being the focus. πŸ™‚ And hopefully with this in mind (as it takes on average 66 days before something becomes a habit ), we will be able to keep them this time. πŸ™‚

Giving up Bad Habits

This is one we are deciding to tackle first! Dizzy and I don’t have lots of bad habits, but we have recently got lazy with our diet; we have started to get back into the habit of grabbing more unhealthy snacks, than taking the time to pick out healthier options and to make our own. πŸ™‚ And it’s a shame really, as Dizzy really is an amazing cooking Donkey! So to tackle this, I have given Dizzy the task of making a healthy snack once a week, and experimenting with different cooking ideas! (We’ll keep you posted on how we get on.)

I am also trying very hard of getting out of the habit of pulling on my hair. I thought this was just me (as I know if sounds abit odd), but looking online, it really is a thing! Whenever I get slightly anxious or worried, I start tugging on the bottom of my hair, to the point where I am covered in hairs! So, I have bought a squeezy ball to take around with me, and which means I have something to do with my hands when I start to feel a little worried. πŸ™‚ Hopefully this will help to control the tugging!

For you though, it might not be eating or hair pulling, but whatever it is, there are also lots of options and help available. For example, if it’s smoking, there is lots of advice and support out there. There are also different methods out there (although, always consult with your doctor first), such as apps, programmes, usingΒ vape liquid and patches.Β 

Focusing on Ourselves

Our next one is to focus on ourselves. And this is something we have done alot since being diagnosed with MS, but there are still times when it gets pushed to the side. This especially happens when we get busy with work. :/Β 

To help with this, we have set ourselves three goals for the New Year: πŸ™‚

  1. Our healthier eating habits and to get Dizzy back in the kitchen

2.Β  To do yoga everyday. We have started our 30 day Yoga journey with Adriene. Me and all the donkeys are taking part in this one. πŸ™‚Β 

3.Β  To have rest days. πŸ™‚Β 

Do you have any New Year Resolutions this year? Or have you made any in the past that you have managed to keep? πŸ™‚ xxx

27 Replies to “Small Changes for the New Year :)”

  1. Loved reading this. Small changes are great idea. I am slowing myself down to stop and think before making decisions. Also trying to continue what I started last year in being kind to myself x

  2. This year I have chosen to make decisions and goal I can keep per month. So starting with January I am making notes and lists about what I hope to accomplish. I have many sites I write for and I am putting in new job bids in regards to my content writing and freelancing. Hopefully by taking things in smaller steps I will be able to realize so much more. Dottie stays by my PC and keeps a watchful eye on all I do to make sure I keep to my goals and resolutions. Blessings to all of you.

    1. Aww, that sounds a brilliant idea! And that is all so exciting about your writing and freelancing. x I am glad Dotty is keeping an eye on your goals and resolutions. Dizzy is very good with that too. πŸ™‚ xxx

    1. I still can’t believe we are actually in 2020. Although, so far we have managed to write 2020 every time we need to write the date. Dizzy and I are very proud of ourselves for that. πŸ™‚ xxx

  3. I believe it takes that long (66 days) to make a change stick. I am bad with setting resolutions and not following through, but I vow to be more organized this year for sure. And I also slid off the wagon a little with treats … I bought some treats and ate them long before Santa’s arrival … even the eggnog was gone the second week of December, so I said to myself “no more treats at this house til next year!” Hard to show restraint sometimes. πŸ™‚

      1. Well at least Dizzy likes her biscuits with no fattening additions like icing, chocolate chips or peanut butter like we like in our cookies. That makes Dizzy a “smart cookie” as the expression goes.

  4. Love this so much 😍 I love Yoga with Adrienne πŸ’– She’s really great! I wish to feel less anxious and take little steps and follow my heart instead of my mind this year. My intention is to be more calm this year. I also pull out hair but from my eyebrows and I want to stop doing that this year. Great changes! Have a great new year πŸŽŠπŸ€—

    1. Her videos are amazing, and she does so many different ones! To be more calm is definitely one I need to focus on aswell. I get anxious so quickly! I hope we are both able to stop our pulling hair out habits this year. πŸ™‚ xxx

  5. My new years resolution is to stop calling myself stupid if I lose or forget or simply cant do something. I am expanding my head vocabulary to include different spacial and temporal words to describe the new me!

    1. And to be kinder to yourself! No more stupid. πŸ™‚ Because you are definitely never stupid. x This is one I need to do too though. I am way to harsh on myself! And we really shouldn’t be. xxx

  6. These are all great tips! I also pull on my hair (I have gotten better about it, because I realized I was pulling my hair out by accident!)………I also signed up for Yoga and Jazzercise! Happy New Year!

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)