Winter is here! And although Christmas is near, Winter can be a hard time for many, especially with the long nights, cold days and dark afternoons. 

Dizzy, therefore, has put together her top ten ways of helping make these times a little more sparkly. 🙂 

1. Listen to upbeat music

Spend a couple of minutes a day listening to happy, upbeat music. This doesn’t need to be music you would usually listen to, but songs that are lively and positive. If you are able to, you can even have a little dance around at the same time!

2. Read a book

Find a page-turning book or a cosy, familiar one that you always enjoy reading. Dizzy loves all books that are about happy donkeys and highly recommends these if you are stuck for ideas. 🙂

3. Tuck up with a cosy blanket

This one goes perfectly with number 2! But tucking up and feeling all snug and cosy and safe can be lovely on a cold evening. 

4. Put on a favourite TV programme/film

This one goes perfectly with number 3! 🙂 As well as tucking up with a book, a film or series can be wonderful. 🙂 Dizzy again recommends any that include happy donkeys… 🙂 

5. Connect with others

This can be done in any way you feel comfortable. It could be meeting up with others or just sending little messages or cute donkey pictures to someone. Just a little human connection can make a huge difference. 

6. Do something you enjoy

This can be anything! 🙂 For example, painting, writing, sewing, dancing, singing, or taking pictures. Something little each day can really help to lift our moods during these winter months..

7. Go outside

It may be chilly outside, but a little walk or sitting outside when the sun is out can be great. Or, if it is too chilly, to look out the window and watch the birds. 🙂 We like to see Pete the Pigeon in our garden and see what he is up to. 🙂 

8. Relax

Find something that helps you relax daily, from breathing exercises to yoga to meditation. Dizzy has found some relaxing oils to use. 🙂

9. Ask for help

We all need help sometimes, and it can make a huge difference. 🙂 Don’t ever feel afraid to reach out if you do feel it is needed. This could be a friend or your doctor or counsellor. Dizzy is also always here if you need a little chat. 🙂

10. Look at pictures of Dizzy (and donkeys in general)!

This is completely Dizzy’s idea! 🙂 But she has assured me that looking at a cute picture of her (or other donkeys…) every day will definitely brighten up the winter days. 🙂


We hope these ideas make your winter a little more joyful! Have you got any other ideas? What do you do to make the winter days brighter? 🙂 xxxx


3 Replies to “Little Winter Wonder Ideas”

  1. All these are lovely suggestions Heather … we are having brutally cold weather tonight and tomorrow and I hope I can go outside just once to run the car and shovel and scurry back in again to the warmth of the house. A nice fireplace would be nice, but mine is electric, just for show and no heat coming from it. Stay warm and cozy Heather and Dizzy.

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)