Today Dizzy is a very lucky donkey, as she has a guest post all about helping irritated skin, which is something a lot of us experience at some points in our lives (including donkeys!). 

We hope that you enjoy reading this post, and find it helpful. 🙂 xxx

Cracked, sore, and irritated skin can be truly unpleasant to deal with. It doesn’t just look unsightly, but it can be painful and even prone to infection. The thing is, you’ve probably got enough to deal with without having to put up with problematic skin. But don’t worry, you don’t just have to put up with it. 

People do have different skin types and some people are prone to dry skin. Conditions like eczema and psoriasis may crop up no matter what you do, so need to be managed accordingly. Contact dermatitis is another common skin condition that results in dry and itchy skin. Whether you suffer from a specific condition or are just having a bad skin day, you can use some of the same methods to soothe your skin.

This irritation is usually caused by the skin being too dry, so the most obvious course of action is to moisturize. Certain products for irritated skin have been specially designed for the relief that you so desperately need, and can both treat and prevent skin irritation. 

If you do suffer from eczema or simply have particularly sensitive skin, then pay attention to the ingredients of anything you put on your skin. Makeup, spot treatments, shampoos, and even certain moisturizing creams and sunscreens might further irritate your skin, even if they’re fine for most people who use them. Before using an unfamiliar product, test it on a small patch of skin to make sure that you won’t have an adverse reaction. 

Another thing to avoid is overly hot showers. Sure, some people prefer long, hot showers, but they, unfortunately, aren’t for everyone. Hot water actually dries out your skin, further inflaming already irritated skin and potentially increasing the risk of a flare-up. 

Sometimes, the food we eat can have an adverse effect on the skin. The effect that overly sugary foods have on the skin is well documented, but other food can be an issue as well. This is especially true if you suffer from eczema, as certain foods may cause or worsen symptoms. If you suspect that this is true in your situation, then check with a medical professional to see if it’s worth looking at your diet.

While it can be very tempting to scratch itchy skin, do try to resist the urge. Scratching damages the skin and can worsen or cause skin irritation, especially if you have sharp fingernails. Even worse, scratching can introduce infections to broken skin, meaning that it’s likely to stay inflamed for longer. If you feel the urge to scratch an itch, distract yourself instead and, if the skin isn’t broken, apply some lotion. 

Finally, the problem may lie in stress and anxiety. Many people are stressed, but may not be aware that stress can cause irritated and otherwise unhealthy skin. If you can, take a moment to yourself every now and then and try to find a way to reduce your stress. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but even a little relief can help.

13 Replies to “How To Soothe and Prevent Irritated Skin”

  1. I find cold water can be quite soothing, and like you say, hot water is lovely in a shower but not very helpful for irritated skin. There are some great lotions out there, it might just take time to find something that works for each individual. You’ve made some great points here – summer seems to aggravate skin conditions for a lot of people too so it’s great timing! xx

  2. When I was a child I had eczema on the insides of my arms. I had to have my arms bandaged every night or I would scratch and cause bleeding. Luckily I outgrew it and have not had it again since. I think this post will help others who have skin problems.

      1. I outgrew it by the time I was 10. I am well and feeling more confident now that I’m fully vaccinated. Summer weather here has been changeable. Cool then hot and humid then cloudy and humid then cool and raining. Never a dull moment. I hope you are doing ok .Are you able to get vaccinated?

        1. I had my first dose of the vaccine in february and the second in may. Having MS meant I was in one of the priority groups. No side effects either! 🙂 And I am back horse riding after the lockdowns. Still not going any faster than a slow trot though. 🙂 xxx

          1. I am delighted to know you are back to horses. And that you are fully vaccinated. My husband and I are too. Canada got off to a slow start with vaccines but then they sped it up and now we have a good percentage of people vaccinated.

  3. So tempting to scratch a patch of dry skin. Moisturizer, cool compress or cool shower and something to distract from that temptation to scratch.
    The old MS itchy feelings that seem to crop up repeatedly can at times drive us bonkers!

  4. When I still worked on site, I had an allergy to the toner used at the office for the xerox machine and fax machine. The ingredient in the toner caused my hands to crack badly so I used white cotton gloves to handle paper and had to wait until the paper cooled before touching it. That is one plus for working from home now. I used to use Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash to wash my hands and face … I did this for years as I wore hard contact lenses and did not want a creamy soap or deodorant soap on my hands for handling the lenses. Even after I started working from home and returned to wearing glasses once again, I kept using this gentle soap … then they changed the formula dramatically and I can no longer use it as it turned my hands beet red and raw within a day of using it. I know it is a small health issue, compared to what others bear in their life, and I was lucky enough to find “Tone” a soap which costs about 75% less and works like a charm.

    1. It’s an unpleasant thing to deal with! Especially when we use our hands for everything. xx I am glad that you have found a Linda friendly soap. And being 75% sounds a very good bargain. 🙂 xxx

      1. Yes that Purpose was great for all those years … and then they changed the formula. That’s not the first time I encountered that either, where products change a formula. This is Linda friendly and budget friendly and the cocoa butter in the Tone bar smells wonderful.

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)