Dizzy and I have been considering ways in which we can simplify our day! πŸ™‚ For us, this is mainly useful for helping to save spoons, but it also helps to keep us calm and happier throughout the day! Dizzy says that it can be a little stressful at times being such as a very important, delightful donkey. πŸ™‚

Create a Routine

This means that Dizzy and I can use a routine that ensures that we get all the important tasks carried out, such as lesson planning, before we have to potter back to bed. And, of course, we do also have our afternoon nap as part of our daily routine to make sure that we are slightly more awake in the evening for our donkey family film time (which we’ve usually pottered back to bed for). πŸ™‚Β 

Cook lots! – In one go

We have mentioned this one before, but we think it’s such as amazing idea for simplifying the day. Although, Dizzy is still not actually doing this, however often I keep reminding her that it’s her job… πŸ™‚ But it does mean that you can cook a large amount of food that can then last you all week. πŸ™‚ This can then be popped into the fridge or freezer, and just popped back out again when it’s dinner time during the week. πŸ™‚

Ditch Distractions

This is one I definitely need to work on (and Dizzy! But don’t tell her I said that πŸ™‚ ). We do often (always!) get distracted by things, from a bird flying past to just wondering off round the house. And it does mean that little tasks can take rather a long time! Dizzy was meant to be planning one of our lessons, and instead of it taking 15 minutes, it took over an hour! Not that the little potter, ginger nut biscuits and donkey chats weren’t lovely, but they would have been even more lovely after the work was done. πŸ™‚ There are lots of ways in which you can do this though. If you’re working, you might look at how to turn off Apple two factor authentication,Β or you could make sure you are logged out of facebook to stop naughty donkeys from having quick check in with their donkey friends.

Make time forΒ calmness

This is Dizzy’s favourite one! Making time throughout the day to relax and settle into a sense of calmness. For us, this usually involves a nap. πŸ™‚ But it could just be taking a few moments to sit in the garden, meditate or take time to enjoy a few ginger nut biscuits! πŸ™‚

What are your top tips for making life just a little bit simpler? πŸ™‚ And do you have any recommendations for good films that Dizzy and I can watch this week? πŸ™‚ We like anything with donkeys, dinosaurs and/or dragons in. πŸ™‚ xxx

24 Replies to “How to Simplify Your Day :)”

  1. Hmmm. Are you, by chance, a fan of Eeyore? (I definitely am!) If you haven’t already watched Christopher Robin, perhaps you might enjoy that one. πŸ˜‰

    1. I love Eeyore. I sleep with my Eeyore toy every night; although, Dizzy does get a little jealous. πŸ™‚ I haven’t watched Christopher Robin. Will definitely check it out. Thank you. πŸ™‚ xxx

  2. I also love simple and have found that when I am up I try to do at least one thing, no matter how small. I also watch a bunch of movies and would love recommendations too! I wish I knew any dinosaur, dragon or donkey movies……….does Shrek count?!

  3. These are all good suggestions. My daughter with a five year old son and two step daughters of 9 and 11 does a lot of cooking at once for the dinners and also in the winter hot thermos food for lunches for the kids and her husband to take to work and school.

  4. Dizzy really does have a tough job, trying to stay calm & save spoons while also being so awesome. A delightful donkey indeed!

    These are great tips, and I’ve also found routine to be really helpful. I always read about why we should be shaking things up, avoiding routine, being spontaneous and not boring, but articles in general media don’t really account for people with illnesses. Routine can be grounding and incredibly helpful. Batch cooking is something I don’t do, and have never done. I’d like to give it a try but I think my uncertainty over how to do it safely is what’s always put me off. I’m more concerned about giving myself food poisoning than the food tasting yuck. I should investigate some ideas and see what you can safely cook and reheat, especially when it comes to meat.

    I’m afraid I don’t really have any donkey/dino/dragon related film recommendations. A Google search tells me there was a film out last year though called The Donkey King… But further investigation reveals it’s a Pakistan production so it’s not in English. Donkey may struggle reading subtitles, but the animation looks nice! πŸ˜‚

    1. I worry about the same thing! I can just imagine finally getting Dizzy to batch cook, and us both being ill for the next week! But alot of people do it and seem to survive the experience…
      Aww, The Donkey King looks really good! Dizzy insists she would be able to read the subtitles perfectly, but I’m not sure… πŸ™‚ xxx

    1. Hehe, I imagine you get distracted by your cat then. πŸ™‚ Even though, being distracted by an adorable pet isn’t the worst way to spend the day. πŸ™‚ xxx

  5. All good suggestions. Meals get simplified by using my slow cooker which prepares a meal and when ready you can just serve and eat. In the meantime as I work online Dotty keeps an eye on things online and reminds me if I miss anything. Dotty and I send you and Dizzy much love and hugs.

    1. I do actually have a slow cooker, but have yet to use out! People say that the food is delicious. Do you have a favourite slow cooker meal? Dizzy and I might then try it out to get us started with it. πŸ™‚ xxx

  6. I think you have it all covered Heather and I can’t give any input on TV or films as I’ve not had cable for almost 10 years and not been to a show since 1992. Our video rental store where I went for years and years, closed down after everyone streamed things – I am a dinosaur and would have no idea how to stream things. I am not much of a cook either and a blogger I follow which has easy-to-follow cooking instructions recommends using a slow cooker when I say I don’t cook very much since it is just me. Maybe one day I’ll give it a whirl. Do you use a slow cooker Heather?

  7. About the meals…prep is calming, and knowing a good meal is in the offing is settling – then the actual eating of the meal (with or without companions) is nourishment to the mind, soul and body. It’ s a win-win slam dunk for that initially large investment of time spent in prep.

    Don’t have a donkey film, but one you might consider is (kinda seems more like you, than Dizzy!) β€œThe Princess Bride”.

    1. It’s true. Do you have a favourite meal? x And I feel like I should have seen The Princess Bride, but I’ve just looked it up, and I don’t think I have. Will definitely be checking it out this week. Dizzy and I won’t be going far in this heat. xxx

    1. I love that idea! And such a good one. It drives me mad when I can’t find things. You know they can’t be far, but they suddenly seem to have completely disappeared. xxx

  8. Excellent tips. I struggle with keeping distractions at bay some days – most days honestly. Making big batches of food is a great way to save time. I love cooking up big pots of spaghetti and other dishes and being able to enjoy it over several days.

  9. Sitting in the garden is a relaxing way but then I start pulling out weeds and I ended up rotating the plants. Lol. Have a great week, Heather.

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)