Halloween is nearly upon us! And if you are searching for some late minute costume idea, do not fear, for Dizzy the Dracula Donkey is here! And with the help of her friends, she has come up with 5 super simple suggestions to help you get into the Halloween costume spirit!

  1. A Ghoulish Ghost

Find one old sheet and get one of your donkey friends to artistically drape this over you. Once the sheet is in place, get your friend to help cut our some holes where your eyes are so that you are able to find your way to all the ginger nut biscuits! This costume is especially effective if you wave your little paws around and ‘Eeyoreeeee’ as you go. πŸ™‚

2. A Creepy Cobweb

During the day find some abandoned cobwebs (it is very important that they are no longer being used so as to not disturb any of our spider friends. You also do not want to end up spending your whole evening dealing with a grumpy spider if you do end up picking one up in your webs πŸ™‚ ). Once you have found your cobwebs, simple potter through them and they will stick to you and your clothing, turning you into a giant creepy cobweb! πŸ™‚Β 

3. A Dracula Donkey

Get a black piece of material and place this round your shoulders, tying the top part around your neck loosely, and allowing the rest of the material to flow down your back. You can then also purchase some vampire teeth or even make your own! πŸ™‚

4. A Wild Witch

Glad yourself a broomstick, black wig, pointy hat, a wand (or stick) and any black clothing in sight! Pop them all on, and enjoy a night of creating magic and flying on a broomstick. πŸ™‚ Dizzy especially loves her black wig for this one! πŸ™‚

5. A Precious Pumpkin

This can be done in two ways! You can either wear all orange! Or you can grab yourself a pumpkin, cut the top off and place it on your head as a pumpkin hat. This one also means that their is lots of yummy pumpkin left for a Halloween snack later on. πŸ™‚

  • Unfortunately we do not have a photo of Dizzy being a precious pumpkin, as she ate the pumpkin…

We wish you all a Happy Haunting Halloween! And Dizzy hopes that everyone gets lot and lots of ginger nut biscuits. πŸ™‚ xxx

25 Replies to “How to be a Dizzy the Dracula Donkey (and other super simple costume suggestions)”

  1. Nawww this is too cute!! Dizzy, in that black wig you could replace the witch’s broom with a guitar and be an 80s rockstar!
    Love the spooky costume suggestions, Heather. And they’ve been modelled perfectly. Happy Halloweeeeeeeen! 😊 xxxx

  2. When going as a vampire, make sure to strategically place plenty of fake blood. Grossed my Geometry teacher out my senior year with blood falling from my fangs to my homework! Every good donkey needs to have these type of tricks up their sleeves.

  3. Very clever of you and Dizzy to collaborate and help us make Halloween costumes. I have to admit that I would not have recognized the black-wigged Dizzy, even if she was munching on a ginger nut biscuit. Dizzy ate the pumpkin too … and ginger nut biscuits?!?! If she keeps that up, sheets will be the only thing she fits into. πŸ™‚

    1. Hehe, I shall pass on your comment to Dizzy about her only fitting into a sheet! It is true with that rate that she;s going. No food is safe when there’s a Dizzy about. πŸ™‚ xxx

    1. Hehe, it is a little disturbing. Dizzy doesn’t think so though! As long as you have asked the spiders permission and he is no longer occupying the web. πŸ™‚ xxx

  4. the donkeys look absolutely adorable!
    I haven’t seen here here on WP for a bit and I wanted to check in on you. I am hoping you are just way too busy with something amazing to blog! πŸ™‚

    1. It popped your comment in my spam folder! And we are still here. Just been abit busy, with moving house and work. The time has gone so fast too! Dizzy can;t believe she will be in 2020 in under 2 weeks! How have you been? πŸ™‚ xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)