It’s nearly Easter, and the summer holidays are not far behind! So we thought we would it was a good time for sharing our post on holidaying with a chronic illness. 🙂


Ok, so I must admit I’ve never been much of a traveller. I love to spend my days pottering around and getting tucked up into bed by 9. When I do decide to venture on a little holiday, it’s usually not much further than the other side of the country, but since having MS even these little holidays have seemed challenging.

Since being diagnosed I have found the idea of travelling with MS to be really scary. The thought of being ill away, having to worry about a long day of travelling, being well enough to enjoy the sites, and then also getting back home all seemed a bit daunting. All resulting in the mental anxiety of it being an even bigger obstacle than the actual MS itself!

But the last year I have made an extra big effort to get out and about a bit more – even if they’re still not even quite as far as the other side of the country- and I am slowly increasing my adventures, with the help of a few tips to make holidaying seem much more manageable. 🙂

  1. Plan, plan, plan, and plan some more 🙂

For me going away can be very scary because it breaks out of my routine and can mean there are some unknowns. Planning helps with this though, and also means that I can plan for likely events and put into place measures to ensure that I can manage these. This could be ensuring that the hotel isn’t far from the station or that there are places nearby to easily get food from.


2. Take out travel insurance

One of my big worries is that I will have relapse just before travelling, and will be unable to get my money back for the holiday. It just adds another stress! But with travel insurance it means that if for some reason I am unable to go, even if it’s not due to my MS, I am able to claim back the money for the holiday.

3. Ensure that everywhere is suitable for your condition

Some hotels and stations are more disability friendly than others. Make sure to enquire about their accessibility and if there are suitable for you. Just because somewhere says they are, it doesn’t always mean they are, so just make sure that they do have a lift if you need one, or there isn’t any surprise steps up to the hotel.


4. Travel at the best time for you

I really struggle being in places where there is a lot going on, meaning traveling can become a bit of a nightmare. Carefully planning my route though means that I can book tickets to ensure that I won’t be travelling during any rush hours, and that I can travel when I don’t have to fight to get a seat. 🙂

5. Don’t put pressure on yourself

Holidays are supposed to be enjoyable. When I’m away I can feel like I should be making the most of the time there, and try to push myself to do more than I really can. But this can cause stress and make me extra sleepy. I’ve now learnt to enjoy the time, and not worry about what I feel I should be doing. Even if I have to spend a whole day in bed, that’s ok. I can still enjoy being away while doing that. 🙂


6. Have fun!

Just have fun! Having MS can make travel more difficult, but it doesn’t mean it has to be impossible. With some careful planning, and the right measures in place, you can still have lots of wonderful holidays. 🙂

Do you have any top tips for travelling with a disability? And where are you planning on heading off to this year on your holidays? 🙂 xxx


45 Replies to “Holidaying with MS”

  1. I share some of your issues around travelling Heather. I prefer to go out of season when places are quieter, usually in September or October. Last year I stayed at home and was quite happy because the weather was so nice. I did little day outings that suited my energy levels and took public transport when available. It was a very precious summer. xx

    1. I always go away outside the the holiday seasons too, otherwise it’s just so busy! I prefer to stay at home during those times. 🙂 I am just happy at home too, so just pottering for little days out is one of my favourite things to do. 🙂 xxx

  2. we’ll probably stay in Ireland this year! Travel around some places in my own country! I love travel, but your so right, planning is key! Especially since I am blind! Really helps to plan ahead! Xxx

    1. Planning ahead just takes so much of the stress away too. Travelling around to places in Ireland sounds a great plan though. I’m not planning on going far this year either. xxx

  3. this is great information. it is scary traveling with a chronic illness due to unpredictability but good for you for getting out there more! you are encouraging me to do the same. bless you!

  4. excellent tips! like you said, traveling with a chronic illness requires so much planning! we have to prepare for every possible scenario.

    i’m hoping to take a trip or two this summer!

  5. Kudos to you for working through all of this. I think you covered all the salient points and when wanderlust comes knocking at your door, I believe you’ll be more than ready!

  6. Heather this really was a brilliant and well written post! I love to travel, but it seems like things get in the way too much! I am a planner and tend to overthink everything, but by planning everything out it makes things a little easier. I am a beach girl at heart and my husband is the cold weather mountain type. He loves to snowboard and I do my best, but take many breaks. I find the beach to be very relaxing, but with the hot weather I know I need to not be out in the heat for too long and always stay hydrated! It has been a long time since I have been able to much because finances are always difficult. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and how you plan holidays out!

    1. I definitely overthink everything too. 🙂 I’ve never even tried snowboarding. What’s it like? I’m not much of a sporty one. I prefer the relaxing type of holidays too. Hows your new job going? xxx

      1. Snowboarding can be fun, but it is SO cold! I do my best out there, but I need to take LOTS of breaks! I would much prefer going to the beach and relaxing listening to the ocean!
        The new job is going okay. They set when we take breaks and lunch, which I don’t like at all. It feels like prison and I don’t like being controlled. At the same time it’s just a job. I decided they do not pay me enough to stress or do extra work, I will still get paid the same! How are you doing???

        1. I hate when jobs are like that too, but otherwise, is it ok? 🙂 And I’m doing fine, just super busy at the moment. I’m neglecting my blog. 🙁 But it’s only for a few more weeks till the GCSE exam period is all done, and then it will be much quieter 🙂 xxx

          1. The job was okay until something that had me so angry today. The job is paperless and we can’t have any at our desks. I have been experiencing horrible dizzy/black out times lately. I talk to my team lead and told her I needed to be able to keep track of these by writing them down when they happen. I am not allowed to do so. I think that is insane and very wrong. I don’t know why people have to be so ignorant. I have been a little neglectful with my blog as well and even commenting on others. Glad the weekend is here! I am glad the GCSE exam period will be done soon. You deserve quieter times! I hope you have a great weekend!

          2. I agree that it is ridiculous! I did talk to HR and I think she got a little nervous when I told her I worked in HR for several years before we moved. xxx

          3. She basically said that it is against company policy to have paper or even email myself at home. She didn’t seem very understanding or knowledgeable.
            Thank you so much! We didn’t do anything for Easter but have a quiet day at home. To me, that is the best kind of day to have!! I hope you are having a great day!!!

  7. These are such good suggestions … you are practical Heather and sometimes, you have to put practical before pleasure. I have to say that taking any kind of trip these days, via any mode of transportation, is daunting. The accidents from airliners, cruise ships – all in the news in the last few weeks, and then there are train mishaps and even buses turning over … it boggles my mind and I used to travel years ago when I was younger, around your age, and never gave it a thought. The idea of getting travel insurance is a good one – not only would you feel the letdown of not feeling up to par when the big trip arrives, but to compound the feeling by losing money on that trip is doubly woeful.

    1. I find it daunting too, and I over think everything, so all the ‘what ifs’ go round my head. But I am trying not to worry quite so much. And avoid the news! 🙂 Have you managed to see Parker this weekend? 🙂 xxx

      1. I have been accused of “overthinking” everything too … I’ve always been like that, so we are in good company Heather. I did see Parker and his pals this morning and will do a post on them later in the week or maybe the weekend as I’ve been busy at work – we’ve been swamped the last 3-4 weeks. I took them some Nutter Butters this morning to have with their peanuts … so cute when they are eating them in their paws like a child would with tiny bites. {{{ hugs }}}

  8. Great tips! ❤️ They are also useful for me experiencing anxiety. I just came back from a little trip in Spain. It’s always important to plan. I always search for hotels which are in the city, cheap and if I’m going to the beach then I also search for hotels near by the coast.

  9. You’re right, the thought and anxiety of being ill or struggling or getting caught out with a health problem when you’re away can be incredibly daunting. I think it helps a lot to roughly plan the things you can and be as prepared as possible to give yourself some peace of mind.

    I’d quite like to go somewhere this year, nothing big, just a day or two away maybe. Just the thought of it, however, is exhausting. But I don’t like feeling like my life is ticking by and I’m not living it, so this has given me something to think about. What about you, any thoughts on going anywhere this year?

    You’ve shared some great tips to help ease the worries of travelling and make it more manageable!
    Caz xx

    PS. Love Dizzy looking off into the sunset over the water like he’s in deep thought, that made me chuckle =]

    1. I really worry about being ill away. Especially if I was ever brave enough to leave the country. :/ But for now I’m just getting braver travelling further in the uk. 🙂 Where are you thinking of going to this year? I’ve got a week booked away in July. Just to the Cotsworlds but they’re having a fantasy forest festival there, which I am so excited about! I’m fully intending to dress up for it. 🙂 x Hehe, Dizzy said she is a very thoughtful donkey. 🙂 xx How have you been? xxx

  10. I am having joints pain in both hands inside and outside and muscle weakness due to multiple sclerosis (MS). I am falling a lot, I have headaches and lightheadedness. I cannot keep myself balanced, and walk with a tremor like I cannot control my steps. I had taken avonex for two years. Presently I am taking BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE MS HERBAL FORMULA TREATMENT (ww w .besthealthherbalcentre .c om). I take it twice daily morning and evening. I have experience a continual diminution of symptoms. it’s a powerful herbal formula, 10 out of 10 from me!

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)