28 Replies to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Don’t be letting that sweet donkey inhale those champagne fumes! Oh, okay, it is New Year’s Eve after all – best to you and Dizzy and all your friends who give us joy in 2020 and beyond!

    1. Happy New Year! x And they did very much enjoy their champagne. A little too much! Had rather quiet donkeys the next day, but they are back to their usual naughty selves now. πŸ™‚ xxx

      1. At least you did not hear any ginger biscuit rattling in the kitchen as they slept the day away! It was really quiet for me but outside they shoot off firecrackers til all hours of the night. Our governor allowed people to buy large fireworks, not just the small red firecrackers and/or sparklers … these are huge and go into the air and burst … people buy them for a huge amount and use them starting for Memorial Day in May all through the Summer, like 4th of July – the poor dogs, as well as the poor veterans suffering from PTSD had to listen to it night after night. I am getting old – I like my peace. Maybe I should have shared that bottle of champagne with the donkeys and would have slept like a log!

        1. I like my peace too! I do wish there weren’t as many fireworks, especially big ones like that. I always worry about the animals. πŸ™ The champagne definitely does help with sleeping through them though! xxx

          1. I worry about the animals in fireworks situations too Heather. My friend has a couple of Golden Retrievers. She lives in the country so does not hear too many fireworks, but her dogs are very afraid of thunderstorms. One must be given a sedative to help him get through each storm. The other one shakes and won’t leave her side. Too bad they couldn’t get a few sips of champagne too. πŸ™‚

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)