Dizzy and I got our MRI results back a few weeks ago, which came back bad (several new lesions, some active, on our brain and spine)- we felt very sorry for ourselves for a couple of days! But we are now thinking about all the things we can do to look after ourselves and to feel better! Little ideas that we can easily include in each day, but that sometimes get overlooked!  


The importance of rest is something which we mention often here, but it is super important to our health! And sometimes Dizzy and I do get a bit caught up in worky things instead. :/ It is also not just about sleeping more; it’s about taking time out to do quiet things, such as watching telly, having a bath or reading a book. 🙂 



Drinking water is one of the best things we can do for our bodies and minds, but it is something Dizzy and I forget at times. :/ We are now making sure to drink our 2 litres of water every day! 🙂 

I have told Dizzy not to drink out of the birdy bath…

Smile Regularly

Smile! And laugh! As even if we don’t feel like laughing, fake laughing can improve our mood! Which seems very odd, but is true! 🙂 Our minds are convinced into thinking it’s real laughter, and therefore realise happy hormones! 🙂 

Research has also shown that people who smile more often are healthier and live longer than those who do not (Dizzy is now smiling away non stop…). And even people who feel a little self conscious about their smile can try things such as composite or porcelain veneers


Avoid Stress

… where possible. I find it easy to get caught up in my own thoughts and worry about the smallest of things! But I am learning that the best way to avoid this is by being aware of when this is happening, and taking small, little steps to relax. 🙂



We’re also working on doing a little bit of exercise everyday! To get ourselves moving and also out and about! Dizzy has even signed herself up to some virtual challenges, so far she has trotted up Mount Fuji and is currently on her way around Canada! 🙂

How are you all doing? And what little things do you do throughout the day to stay happy and healthy? 🙂 xxx


23 Replies to “Everyday Reminders from a Dizzy”

  1. Right now is a very complicated and stressful time in my life. I’m trying to read more and watch comedy shows, but overall I find myself trapped in my brain thinking how to make life less complicated. I don’t know how yet.

    1. Meaghan, my wife and I are also trying to simplify. I’m donating clothing, shoes, and things I don’t use. We are adamant about reducing visual clutter in the house. It’s hard, isn’t it? At every turn there are complications.

      1. I am always trying to reduce clutter! I find it very hard to let go of things, but it is amazing when I manage to do it! Always makes the room (and me) feel so much lighter. 🙂 xxx

    2. Sending lots of hugs. Keep watching the comedy shows and reading, and try out new ways of destressing. xx If it gets really bad, it might also be worth having a chat to your doctor. I eventually did when I was feeling super stressed/anxious and it did help. xx Always here if you need anyone to chat too. xxx

  2. Wishing you and Dizzy all the very best and hope you can feel much better about things soon, Will put you in my prayers. Me and Dotty are hanging in there but there are highs and lows in our lives and at least we manage to get through it all.

  3. I will put you and Dizzy onto my prayer wheel. I am not religious but I do believe that focused thought has some powers. The suggestions in this post are all good ones. Riding my horse is the main thing that makes me feel better, younger and more healthy!

    1. Thank you Anne. I do completely understand that about horse riding. I also find it’s one of the few times when my mind doesn’t start wondering of to anxious thoughts. It’s amazing for keeping your mind calm. 🙂 xxxx

  4. This quirky little donkey always makes me smile. 😉 Smiles and laughter can be the best medicine. 😊
    Thank you!

  5. You and Dizzy are great ambassadors for sleep and de-stressing. More of us could learn from your habits. As you know, my de-stresser is my daily walk at the Park and feeding my furry friends … I have an eye to the sky this morning, as it looks like it will pour any minute and we’re ripe for storms all day, so I’m wary. I am far behind in Reader and that may be smarter to catch up before starting my workday at 11:00 a.m. Feel better and stay as tough as nails as I know you are Heather.

  6. I’m still so, so sorry about your results, Heather. I had hoped you were going to find everything was stable, but of course life sometimes has other plans. I can’t imagine what you’re going through but if I were in your shoes, I’d have a lot of down days dealing with the news. These tips are brilliant, and all so important to remember because often when we need to be doing such things is exactly when they go out the window. Sending lots of love and hugs your way 💜💙💚💛

    Caz xx

    1. Thank you Caz. There have been a few down days, but these results were a little easier to take than last years, just because I knew they wouldn’t come back great. Unlike last year when I fully expected them to be fine! xx I am still eating my way through a lot of ice cream though! 🙂 xxx

  7. I’m sorry about the new lesions. My question when we get these is if we are feeling and performing the same or are we worse? I hope you aren’t actually worse. Great tips, all of them. I was recently reminded that it takes strength to rest. We need to have the courage to stop occasionally and let the body catch up. Wishing you the best! – George

    1. Thank you George. I knew I had had relapses, but at least when I got the results I was starting to feel a bit better. Still a little weaker from them, but am definitely getting there now. 🙂 x Hope you’re doing ok. 🙂 xxx

  8. I’m sorry to hear that the scans didn’t provide better news. Sending gentle hugs to you and Dizzy.

    Dizzy – you are a lovable and helpful Donkey. Thanks for the great tips!

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)