Me and Dizzy have been feeling a little chilly this week, so we’ve made a list of the best way we have found for keeping warm! 🙂

  1. Wear socks!

dizzythedonkey bed

I told Dizzy to try wearing socks at night as she said her little feet were getting cold. She seems to love wearing them all the time now! 🙂

dizzythedonkey socks

2. Using heat pads and hot water bottles.

dizzythedonkey hotwaterbottle

This is the one time Dizzy has taken her little socks off this week as she said her feet were getting too warm! 🙂

3. Wearing lots of layers and wrapping up well when you go out.

dizzythedonkey coat

Can hardly see Dizzy in all her layers!

4. Move around (if you are able to).

dizzythedonkey playing

I told Dizzy that moving around helps you keep warm. I should have known getting Bob to help out wouldn’t be of much use. Their moving around is involving slowly pushing this little ball to one another…

5. Find warm places…

dizzythedonkey fire

Such as the fire to sit by….

dizzythedonkey radiator

Or the radiator…

dizzythedonkey airing cupboard

Even found Dizzy in the airing cupboard this morning!

6. Hot drinks and hot food.

dizzythedonkey baking

Dizzy’s convinced she can just grill her ginger nut biscuits….

7. And if it’s still too cold just stay in bed. 🙂


We hope you like our tips and are all managing to keep warm this winter. What are your top tips for keeping warm in the cold weather? xxx

60 Replies to “Dizzy’s top tips for keeping warm”

  1. Dizzy just melted my heart once again! 😍😭 My favourite tip is wearing socks! (especially donkey socks) and warm snacks always help! <3 <3

    1. I find socks really help. I’m not even sure why but they really make a difference! And any snacks are always good. 🙂 Hope you’re keeping warm Tabi and having a lovely start to the New Year. 🙂 xxx

    1. An airing cupboard is where the water tank is. Sometimes you get them in a cupboard with shelves, which warms up as the water in the tank does. It does usually feel very cosy but not big enough for me to sit in! 🙂 xxx

  2. Socks for warm feet are a must. The heater is always going and when my cat Sid decides his fur coat is not keeping him warm enough then I blow in some warm air and we are all toasty and warm.

  3. I have the coldest feet on the planet–even in the summer, my feet are ice cold… and I hate socks! 😄😄😄

    My family is ALWAYS buying me socks that sit in the dresser drawer. But my daughter sent me some comfy mule slippers for Christmas and surprise – no cold feet! LOL!

    But socks…no…just no. 😀😏😀

    *Waves to Dizzy 👋*

    1. Lol, why do you hate socks so much? I do quite like slippers now. I use to hate them but then I found some super soft penguins ones, so now I’ve decided I like them. 🙂 Dizzy sends donkey hugs and kisses. 🙂 xxx

  4. This was great advice!! Dizzy can always make me smile!! Way too cute wearing socks and sitting on the heating pad!
    It was so cold all last week now it is going to be 60 on Friday. Going from extreme cold to warm weather and back to cold again is SO frustrating!
    I can not wait to see Dizzy next fantastic photo shoot!!!

    1. Your weather is changing really quickly. That makes it even harder because you’re body doesn’t have time to adjust to one temperature. I hope you’re managing to keep yourself at a good temperature. 🙂
      Dizzy said thank you for your lovely comments too. 🙂 xxx

  5. Aw, looks like Dizzy struggles with the cold temperatures as much as me! Great tips, I’m definitely one for blankets, warm socks & gloves, and sitting next to radiators too! xx

  6. We just came out of a 12 day deep freeze here in Michigan, omg it was unreal! Today it feels “tropical” it’s in the 30s lol……we will hit 50s on Thursday and then back down to the teens this weekend with a snowstorm on the horizon! We have been keeping warm with lots and lots of chicken soup (homemade of course!) Great tips Dizzy!

    1. I have seen some of it on the news. It’s mad how cold it looks! Warm food is a great way to keep warm though. I hope you’re not too affected by the snowstorm and can keep nice and warm during it. 🙂 xxx

  7. I think that the one garment that is often overlooked is a hat . In cold weather apparently a huge amount of body heat escapes out of our heads. So something that fits over the head and covers the ears is good. That and a scarf are my go to things in the cold. I also have thermal boots and a down jacket but for Canadians those are just normal things to have for winter.

  8. I love reading Dizzy’s tips. I am wearing my thick pink fluffy socks at the moment. My sister gave them to me at Christmas and my toes are so cozy. If my feet are warm the rest of me usually stays warm xx I wonder if there is room for me in the airing cupboard…

    1. I’m the same with my feet. I love the sound of your pink fluffy socks! Me and Dizzy have penguin slipper socks that always keep our little feet warm. 🙂 xx You’ll have to ask Dizzy if she will let you have some space in the airing cupboard. 🙂 🙂 xxx

  9. Such a darling post! 💖 I love wearing fuzzy socks and for Christmas I was given an electric throw blanket I love using.

  10. Those are mighty snazzy socks that Dizzy is wearing and I always like their blankets as they look so toasty. So, I had to Google “airing cupboard” and now I know where Dizzy goes! Stay warm Heather and Dizzy. {{{ }}}

      1. Kids … what are you gonna do with them sometimes Heather? I had to look it up because I was curious and when I Googled it said a place to put your freshly washed laundry when it might still be damp … interesting!

  11. Socks are definitely a MUST to keep feet warm! I normally have on at least 2 pairs. Cotton socks first, then my anti slip socks (they have traction all over them). What’s amazing is I STILL fall! At least I am good at something (just wish it wasn’t falling).

    Does Dizzy’s hair get cold? Our cat’s fur can start feeling cold, so I pet him to try and warm him up some!

    1. 2 socks is such a good idea. In the cold weather I usually go for tights and socks. 🙂 Then depending on how cold, how thick the socks are that I wear. 🙂 x And Dizzy does! So I pop her into bed or give her a cuddle to warm her up. 🙂 xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)