Stress seems to be something none of us can completely avoid, including donkeys! And at the moment is seems unavoidable with the current pandemic.

Although our bodies are designed to cope with short bursts of stress (e.g. fight or flight instincts which our ancestors relied on for survival), long term stress isn’t good for us, and managing it can be an important part of looking after out mental health. πŸ™‚ With this in mind, little Dizzy has come up with some quick and simple ways of managing stress when we feel a little overwhelmed by everything.Β 

1. Meditate

Taking just a few moments to medicate each day can be amazing for helping us deal with all types of stressful situations. Even when we suddenly find ourselves in the middle of a stressful situation, just taking a few deep breathes can help to ground us and cope with what is happening.Β 

2. Eat Well

There is nothing wrong with the odd unhealthy snack, but stress and stressful times can make us crave the not-so-healthy foods more often, which doesn’t always make us feel better (sugar can actually make us feel more stressed over time). You can consider revolutionizing your diet by eating more fruit and vegetables, or just by reaching for the healthy stuff a little more often. πŸ™‚

3. Try Supplements/Remedies

There are lots of different supplements and remedies out there, which may help calm us down during stressful situations. CBD oil can’t make you high but there is increasing evidence that it can make you feel more relaxed. Dizzy and I have also always carried Rescue Remedy around with us for any sudden shocks or worries that may occur.

4. Take a BreakΒ 

Social media is an amazing way of keeping in touch with all our donkey friends, but we do realise that this does not mean you should be on Facebook all the time. This can be unhealthy and can raise stress levels, especially at the moment when there is so much sadness in the news. Going for a little walk, baking ginger nut biscuits or chatting to donkeys on Zoom can be a great way to of taking a break from it all. πŸ™‚

5. Take a Nap

And if all else fails…take aΒ  nap. πŸ™‚

Being stressed is not good for our mental well being or physical health, so it is super important to have some little handy tips ready for when we need to combat it. We hope these ideas are helpful, and please let us know what your top tips are for managing stress. πŸ™‚ xxxx


17 Replies to “Dizzy’s Simple Tips for Managing Stressful Situations”

  1. Thank you for these great tips. My nerves often fray and I find by relaxing and napping I get back to normal again. Many blessings to you and Dizzy from Dotty and me.

      1. Dotty and I are doing just fine and very much looking forward to spring since the weather in Florida has been so very cold especially in the evenings. The higher temps will be greeted with joy.. Wishing you and Dizzy a wonderful weekend,

  2. Dizzy has given us very good tips. I take Rescue Remedy and I swear by it. I do yoga once a week and find it helps a lot to just let go of what ever has been stressing me. I usually do it on Saturday so I can let go of the stress of the previous week. Thanks for the tips Dizzy!

    1. Rescue remedy is something my mum has always swore by too, and now I can’t be without it. πŸ™‚ It is amazing. Yoga on a Saturday sounds wonderful too. πŸ™‚ I’ve been a bit lazy, but really need to get back into doing it again. x We hope you have a wonderful weekend Anne. πŸ™‚ xxx

  3. You’ve got this stress-less thing down to a T, Dizzy. I certainly need to take a leaf out of your book (or maybe just become a donkey, which might be easier than me stressing less). Fantastic suggestions! xx

  4. Dizzy my dear – pretty soon we should address you as Doctor Dizzy for all the helpful tips you and Heather are sharing with us. I did not know about Rescue Remedy and had to Google it. That does sound as calming as a nap or lavender scent in your pillowcase cover. These are stressful times, but coupled with medical worries, makes it doubly worrisome. Take good care of yourselves please.

    1. Rescue remedy is really good. My mum always carried it around with her when I was little (and still does), and now I don’t leave the house without it. Just incase. πŸ™‚ xx Lavender spray is a great suggestion too. We have a little spray of it. Mostly because we just love the smell. πŸ™‚ xxx

      1. That is good to know and I have heard of spraying your pillow with lavender or putting the lavender Yardley soap nearby as lavender is supposed to lull you to sleep. My grandmother was a big fan of Yardley Lavender for years – she always smelled of the dusting powder.

  5. Hey, these are great tips and reminders! I’ve nominated you for the Outstanding Blogger Award in my latest post! No pressure to do at all, just wanted to tag because I love your blog and your posts have really helped me to cope with chronic pain, you’re amazing! βœ¨πŸ’ž

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)