Taking care of yourself is super important! The only problem is, that following any tips can feel like a big effort, especially with MS, and on days like today, where it’s so hot! Even Dizzy has been wilting… So that is why Dizzy and I have come up with these quick and easy tips for helping to take care of yourself! And they only take a small amount of time and energy to do. πŸ™‚

Firstly, Don’t Ignore The Signs!

You know you’re body better than anyone. So, if things aren’t feeling quite right, however small, it is always worth just popping to the doctors to get things checked out.Β 

Secondly, Keep Active

It’s really important to keep active, especially when it comes to managing a chronic illness. Just doing small bite sized chunks, such as chair yoga or a little weight training, can make all the difference. πŸ™‚

Thirdly, Take Precautions Where Possible

This can cover a wide range of activities, such as eating healthily and stopping smoking. We can’t prevent everything, and you can then use devices to improve your overall sense of wellbeing with hearing aids and walking aids (to name a couple), but it is nice to do what we can to keep ourselves as fit and healthy for as long as possible. πŸ™‚

Fourthly, Drink Sensibly

Drinking sensibly is super important. On days like today, it means drinking lots and lots of water! Dizzy has been given strict instruction to drink on and off all day. Not want any dehydrated donkeys! But it also means to be a little careful with the amount of alcohol you drink too. A little is fine, but I draw the line at drunk donkeys.Β 

Fifthly, Eat Healthy…

…most of the time. We all like little snacks, and I think you’d be taking your life into your own hands telling Dizzy that she would not be allowed anymore ginger nut biscuits, but healthy foods are full of vitamins and minerals, which are vital for our bodies.Β 

Sixthly, Take Vitamin D

Especially if you live in a colder country, or have MS. One billion people are estimated to have levels of Vitamin D which are too low! It has also been proven to reduce the rate of relapses in people with MS. Dizzy takes hers every day. πŸ™‚

Seventhly, Look After Your Mental Wellbeing Too

Mental wellbeing is just as important as our physical wellbeing. Take time throughout the day to relax, do things which you enjoy and have the odd nap. πŸ™‚

We hope that you’ve found these useful. πŸ™‚ What are your top, quick tips for helping to look after yourself? xxx


46 Replies to “Dizzy’s Quick Tips for Taking Care of Yourself”

  1. Play with my fur babies. They make me laugh. Get at least one chore done today. Now I am happy and productive.

      1. There are a lot of different electrolyte powders you can add to water for hot weather They have salts, and some have sugar others have branch chain amino acids. I would suggest you speak with someone at a health food store that is reputable and get some advice on which one would be best for you.

  2. Thanks for some outstanding tips Heather and Dizzy! I had to laugh at number 4, because I could just see Dizzy on her back with all fours in the air because she’d had too much to drink.😁 Of course, I know Dizzy would be moderate in her drinking and that wouldn’t happen to her…. You make such a great point that our mental wellbeing is just as important as our physical wellbeing. We have to take care of all aspects of our wellness. Sending hugs to you both!

    1. Hehe, I’m not so sure. Those donkeys can be very naughty. I wouldn’t put it past them… πŸ™‚ And I think so too. It’s taking care of all of ourselves. πŸ™‚ Sending big donkey hugs! πŸ™‚ xxx

  3. I have lots of fans going during the heat, Holland doesn’t really do AC. Shades are drawn and plenty of water at my side.

        1. Are they able to do anything for the headaches? x And we’re doing well. Just on holiday this week, which is nice and relaxing. πŸ™‚ We’re in the New Forest, so Dizzy is looking out for some fellow donkey friends. xxx

          1. I am not so sure the doctors can do much about the headaches, but then again it has been a while since I brought it up. I am waiting until I see the new doctor and I hope she will be a lot better than the current one! I hope y’all are enjoying your holiday week! I am excited to learn what Dizzy finds!! xxx

  4. A little goes a long way with taking care of yourself. A drunk Dizzy, that made me chuckle πŸ˜‚Your first point about getting checked out if something isn’t quite right feels like it was just the right time for me to read it; I’ve noticed something a little odd (granted, most things about me & my health are odd!) but I didn’t want to see the doctor about yet another new problem. I will have to book in, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Wonderful tips as always, Heather & Dizzy! Β β™₯
    Caz xx

    1. Did you book in to see your doctor? It is really hard, especially when your body is constantly doing odd little chronic things anyway! But it is always worth just checking. I hope it is all ok. πŸ™‚ xxx

  5. These are great tips Heather and no eating fermented berries if you’re a donkey as you don’t want to end up braying at the top of your lungs and causing a scene. πŸ™‚

      1. Yes Dizzy would do that definitely. Parker is still his cute and squirrelly self though I did not see any squirrels this morning, even though it was a gorgeous and refreshing morning out. They must have slept in. He is always in the lead coming over to visit and get peanuts and all the squirrels have been hiding peanuts for at least a month. That tells me that they expect the Winter to be as bad as the “Farmer’s Almanac” says it will be – 7 major snowfalls – ugh. I have been really busy at work now going on three months – good for business but it seems the Summer just flew by. Hope you are doing well Heather as you get ready to ease into Fall.

        1. Aww, nothing wrong with a little squirrel lie in. πŸ™‚ And they are now predicting our coldest winter for 30 years here! I hope not! Dizzy has trouble keeping her little ears warm. xxx

          1. Oh no as to the cold Winter Heather – I am no fan of Winter. Hate to drive in snow and won’t go out in the car any more than necessary in it. The ice was bad here last Winter, as we had repeated ice storms leaving everything in an icy glaze. Your coldest Winter in 30 years – better start looking for earmuffs for Dizzy now! “The Old Farmer’s Almanac” predicts we will have seven snowstorms and two Polar Vortex events … I think we should just hibernate all Winter.

          2. Sounds like a plan Heather – the snow and ice are no friend of mine either. The cold I can deal with because you’re just uncomfortable, but it is not deadly and you can dress for it.

    1. I think we all do that at times. I know I do. Or I have half an hour when I suddenly feel fine, and then over do it! πŸ™‚ I’m so glad it was such good news today with your scan results!! πŸ™‚ xxx

    1. Vitamin D can help with so many things! And it is hard to get enough with our temperamental weather. They’re now saying it’s going to be the worst winter in 30 years; I’m hoping it won’t be quite that bad! xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)