Dizzy has been a very lucky donkey, and has been sent her very own blue badge display wallet from the wonderful people at CareCo.

We were both extremely excited about this, as so far we’ve been keeping our blue badge in a envelope that’s been falling apart.Β CareCo sent us this product in exchange for an honest review, and as Dizzy has taken it upon herself to be very serious about this, she has decided to look and comment on different aspects about her brand new display wallet. πŸ™‚

Β Β 

First thoughts

Our first thoughts were really positive. It arrived well packaged and in a cardboard case, which we were really happy with, as no unnecessary plastic was used. πŸ™‚ It also meant that we could see the holder as soon as we took it out of the envelope, and we immediately noticed the pretty design and colours. We were also pleased to see that it came with a clock inside the holder. We do already have a clock, but these can get bent so easily it is nice to have a spare if needed. πŸ™‚


Dizzy and I love the design of this holder. Dizzy was a little miffed at first about the lack of donkeys present, but after explaining to her that not everything can have donkeys on it, she soon decided she really rather liked it. πŸ™‚

One of the reasons we had been putting off buying a holder was because the ones we had seen were really boring and dull looking. We really wanted something a bit more colourful and quirky. But this one is beautiful, and we love the little flowers on it. We have only been using it for a week and have already had lots of compliments about it. πŸ™‚

Size and shape

It’s the perfect shape! The blue badge fits perfectly in one side, and the clock in the other. The pockets are not too loose either, so we never have any problems with the badge trying to escape when we’re getting it out.

The clock can also be changed without having to actually remove it, perfect for when Dizzy and I are in a bit of a hurry. It also fits very nicely into the glove compartment of our car, meaning we can have it nicely tucked away when it’s not in use.


The quality of this display holder is great. It feels well made, and it’s all beautiful stitched together. The material looks perfectly chosen. Even with the donkeys having a good look at it and tugging at it, it’s still stayed perfectly in tact, so if it can survive that, it will survive our daily travels. πŸ™‚Β 


We really love this from CareCo,Β and it completely complies with all Department of Transport guidelines. πŸ™‚ We also really like the fact that the company provides jobs and training for people with limited work options, such as people with disabilities.

And when conferring with all the other donkeys, they all agreed they love it too! πŸ™‚ xxx

34 Replies to “Dizzy’s new blue badge display wallet”

  1. Very smart this Blue badge cover from Care Co- anything which can denationalize our normal covers has to be an improvement ( hope I have remembered the right word here!!!!)

    1. I really love the fact that is gives the blue badge abit more character. πŸ™‚ All the other covers were so boring, and really weren’t adding anything, that’s why we’ve been using the envelope for ages instead. πŸ™‚ x I’m not sure if it is the right word, but I think I know what you mean! πŸ™‚ x Hope you’re having a lovely week. πŸ™‚ xxx

    1. Thank you Anne. That’s exactly what we thought. πŸ™‚ x And unfortunately horse riding was cancelled on Monday, so I will let you know how I get on when I see Ruby a week Monday. πŸ™‚ xxx

  2. This was a positive review Heather- that’s for sure and I especially loved this line: “Dizzy was a little miffed at first about the lack of donkeys present, but after explaining to her that not everything can have donkeys on it, she soon decided she really rather liked it.”

      1. I knew that logo was going to go to that pretty little head! I read a blogger’s post about going to a farmer’s market … she liked the experience and the fruits/veggies, but bought some baked goods which were not so wonderful. I told her about 10 years ago I was at our local farmer’s market and bought some cornbread as my mom used to make cornbread twists and cornbread muffins when she made homemade soup in the Winter. My mom was a good cook and baker – the genes stopped there. I am not a good cook or baker. Anyway, I told her I bought some cornbread cakes at a market to freeze for Winter. My mom was cutting them up into squares to freeze and they were as hard as my head. This woman had not heard of cornbread or eaten it (she is Canadian) and then the next day she said she had a cookbook by Susan Branch and I told her I love Susan Branch – a nice artist, does nice quotes and her blog is very folksy. I mentioned the Christmas cookies she features and sent it to her. In looking through the recipes, I saw one for ginger biscuits – smiles. I wonder if you can open this due to the issues you had yesterday with Patch. I am going to send you this recipe by e-mail using a screen shot. I hope you can see her blog posts as it is a feel-good blog. Her blog is http://www.susanbranch.com and the recipe link is: https://www.susanbranch.com/wp-content/cooking/gingercrisp.php

        1. I’m not the best cook either! πŸ™‚ The odd thing turns out ok, but I think it’s more by chance. x I have made cakes in the past that have been so hard you would probably lose a few teeth trying to eat them. πŸ™‚ And thank you, the link does work! Dizzy won’t stop going on till I make these now though… πŸ™‚ xxx

          1. I couldn’t share anything I make with anyone- yes that bad. Oh well, we can’t have it all … being creative is nicer than being a great baker or cook. πŸ™‚ I’m so glad you could open Susan Branch’s site Heather … I wonder if it works for you as she has a lot of followers worldwide so she ensures it works for everyone and no restrictions? Also, she loves England and goes often to visit so you might enjoy going through back blog posts when you get a chance and see where she and her hubby go to visit. Yup, I knew it might be risky sharing ginger biscuit recipes. Maybe just once for Dizzy’s Christmas stocking you’ll tuck a few homemade ones in there. Have a good Sunday … I’ll get a nice walk in after doing shop-til-you-drop grocery shopping. I am ready for bed now … and tomorrow a blog post as I’m behind in posting. {{{ }}}

  3. Dizzy, I love the fabric on your new organizer!! And I really love that you are being sought out as a reliable donkey to offer creditable opinions! My only question is what is a BLUE BADGE?

    1. A blue badge allows you to park in disabled parking spaces, and in places you wouldn’t normally be allowed too. πŸ™‚ I think you have an alternative there, but with a different name? πŸ™‚ xxx

      1. Must be like a Disability Parking sign. I don’t have one. Struggle with defining myself as a person with a DISABILITY!! Silly I’m sure but it’s hard for me.

        Regardless I love the sweet blue badge holder!!!

        Hello Dizzy Girl!! ❀️ πŸ’œ β™₯️

        1. I think it is like that. x And I did too, but it does make such a difference, and I don’t always use it, just when me and Dizzy are abit wobbly. πŸ™‚ But it’s not silly struggling with defining yourself as a person with a disability at all. I completely understand. x Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. πŸ™‚ xxx

          1. Thank You for your understanding and words Heather. Your right about the acceptance of defining yourself as DISABLED!! It’s hard and a little scary even though I whole heartedly accept and positivity embrace my MS!!! I ❀️ πŸ’— πŸ’• the idea of only using DISABILITY SUPPORT when you need it. That idea alone takes me to a new level. Thanks for sharing friend.

  4. Never heard of a “Blue Badge” before. Is this the same thing as a handicap parking tag in the USA? Glad Dizzy got one if it helps you with daily life!

    1. It is the same. πŸ™‚ Over here they are blue, so we can them after that. πŸ™‚ it really does make such a difference to us. x How are you doing at the moment? xxx

      1. Well had my annual eye exam last week, for the first time in years my prescription did not change! (meaning my MS was not causing increased vision troubles – my interpretation any way)

    1. They’re the ones I’ve seen. They are still good, but I really wanted a colourful one. πŸ™‚ Hope you have a wonderful weekend Jen and that the blood tests go fine on Monday. πŸ™‚ xxx

  5. Oh, if only everything could have donkeys on it! Very pretty holder, and it sounds sturdy enough to keep the blue badge nicely in tact which is a great idea πŸ™‚

    1. Secretly I do think it would be wonderful if everything did have donkeys on! But I’m not admitting that to Dizzy. πŸ™‚ Hope you’re having a lovely weekend Caz. πŸ™‚ xxx

  6. How lucky you are for the Blue Badge. Don’t know if we have like that in our country. Anyway, cute post! Dizzy is so adorable! ❀️

      1. You’re welcome, Heather! I’m happy to know that Dizzy is very happy hahaha. I hope you had a lovely weekend just like I am. ❀️

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)