Dizzy thought it would be nice to do a little update on our recent MS adventures, as it feels like quite a lot has been happening.

… and Dizzy also wanted to show off to you a little selection of things she has been growing in the garden. 🙂

So in the last year Dizzy and I have had two naughty relapses, which resulted in much wobbling, followed by just rubbish MRI results: new lesions on both my brain and spine, some of which were enhanced at the time (meaning they were still causing trouble). The one positive was that it meant we got to say byebye to the injections, which we were not sorry to see go. 🙂

It also meant that the big hospital in London, which gives the final approval, said we could have anything we wanted! Never had so many options. 🙂 But with a little help from Dizzy we have decided to try the drug we picked last year. (They said no to last year as we weren’t on anything at the time.)

With this decided, Dizzy has got out the little booklet on Cladribine again – she is a very clever Dr. Dizzy – and we are waiting for our prescription to be delivered. Which is exciting, but also a little scary. The idea of tablets (and only 8 a year for 2 years) is wonderful, but now the idea of taking a chemo drug, even one that is low dose, is feeling scary. Especially with them reducing our immune system and COVID.

Dizzy has decided we can hibernate for the winter though, and with her variety of home grown veg, she’s saying we won’t need to go out for anything! I’m not sure what her plan is with the ginger nut biscuits though, as I don’t think you can grow those. 🙂 

She is growing a pumpkin though! The first pumpkin a Dizzy has ever grown, and she has big plans for it on Halloween: to carve it into a donkey! It’s still looking a little on the small side, but I’m hoping it will grow and grow and grow before the end of October. Otherwise I’ll have a grumpy Dizzy on my hands for Halloween. 🙂 

How have you all been this Summer? And have you been growing anything? 🙂 xxxx

18 Replies to “A little dizzy update”

  1. Best wishes to you and hope it all works out, Wonderful photo of Dizzy and the sunflower. Me and Dotty welcome you to October and hope you have an awesome months,

    1. Thank you! Our medication arrived on Friday, so we will be starting tomorrow! x Dizzy was very proud of her sunflowers, and is daily checking on her pumpkin! How have you both been? xxx

      1. Dotty and I are just fine. We now have three kittens in the family Spooky Boo boo both black and Wild Thing gray/ Dotty still sits on my computer table watching over all. Wishing you a great start to the new week.

  2. Oh yes! I grew many items for the summer. Snow peas, Rocket, spinach, and kale (the kale is still growing!) potatoes still are not big enough to harvest, but I hope by Halloween they will be ready. I have the potatoes in pots, but next year I hope to plant them in the ground. Until then I like to take a winter break and plant cover crops to make sure my garden will have someplace healthy to grow.
    No problem on your pumpkin Dizzy. If it is not big enough for Halloween I’m sure it will be big enough for November. Pumpkin Pie season. 🥧 Umm I do live in California and not England. 🤞 on your pumpkin 🎃

    1. We have kale growing too! 🙂 Although, it keeps getting nibbled on, even now when they’re undercover. 🙂 Thank you for the pumpkin pie idea. We’ve never had one before, but I am sure Dizzy would be happy to try! 🙂 xxxx

  3. I only grew flowers and no veggies. I hope the new prescription medication will help you feel better. Maybe ask someone else to get the ginger biscuits for Dizzy so you don’t have to go out into stores and crowds!

    1. We’ve got some ready in the cupboad, and ginger sweets (which I have hidden from Dizzy till we start – don’t want them gone before we even take the first tablet 🙂 ). Our medication arrived on Friday, and we will be starting tomorrow! xxx

  4. Well, no wonder Dizzy wanted to pose with this pretty sunflower – it perfectly matches her bridle! I like the idea of growing your own veggies – less mingling with others at the grocery store. Good for you two. That is a point about not growing ginger biscuits though. Dizzy – are you planning to ask Heather to bake them for you? Hmm. Good luck on this new medicine … I know you are reluctant to do this and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that this medicine, originally withheld from you, and now a go, will help you out immensely. Yes, Winter is on the way … I know you’ve gotten your jab(s) and maybe you can get a booster for anyone you come in contact with to help while on these meds. I hope 2022 sees a turn in this pandemic … for the good. Take care of yourself Heather.

    1. Have you ever grown your own veggies? Might you be persuaded to try a couple next year? And I’ve told Dizzy she can bake her own! Hehe, we’ll see what they turn out like. And of course I will supervise, otherwise the whole house will be covered in baking ingredients! xx We will be starting the medication tomorrow evening. We’ve decided on 7.30pm, after tutoring. 🙂 But no booster, as you have to wait 6 months from the 2nd one, which for me would be the end of november. And with the cladribine, you can’t have it until your white blood cells starts building back up… xxxx

      1. Yes, plus Dizzy might burn her tongue as she’d be anxious to taste them. Well, hopefully this new drug puts you on the right track, you’ll be hopefully put on a supplement to help build your white blood cells back at the same time in order to get that booster shot. I just Googled to see what foods help build your immune system back up naturally … there are lots (tasty too) and you like fruits and veggies so that is good. I will send the link separately in case it goes to SPAM although there wasn’t a problem last time. Some bloggers have to approve links – I don’t have my settings that strict. I might consider growing produce but we have the rat problem from a dog behind us left out 24/7. And this Summer I found a possum in the backyard looking at me. My neighbor used to grow a lot of tomatoes, cucumbers, beans in the garden, but stopped after the rats as he felt squeamish about harvesting and eating with rats around. I’d consider it if I had raised beds, but I suppose the rats could climb up too. We have a farm market in my city that operates from May through the end of October. The farmers truck in their product every Sunday afternoon. They do have great deals.

          1. That’s good – I always thought just citrus fruit, but it is surprising how many more foods there are. It always surprises me that strawberries are so high in Vitamin C. At least if you got them frozen, frozen fruits and veggies are flash frozen at the peak of their taste and nutrition, so strawberries are a good option for Winter too and a reason to indulge in them.

  5. You two have certainly had a lot to deal with and newness to get your head around. I hope you get the Cladribine started soon and that it all goes as well as possible, with no side effects.

    So it’s only 8 tablets a year? I’ve never come across anything like that before. I’d say it’s more than understandable that you have reservations and concerns over the medication. But it’s also something to give you some hope – I’ll hold on to the hope for you until you’re ready for it 🙏

    I’m looking forward to seeing this donkey pumpkin carving! You doing it has tempted me to perhaps give it a go, but with something a little more on my level of (zero) expertise.


    1. The cladribine was delivered on Friday, all ready to start tomorrow. We have decided on 7.30pm, after tutoring, so then I can just tuck up into bed! 🙂 The 8 tablets is rather nice. And it’s only 8 this year and next. Then hopefully I won’t need any medication for a few years after that. 🙂 Have you ever carved a pumpkin? I did my first one last year, and it was really hard! So I can’t promise that our efforts this year will in any way resemble a donkey… 🙂 xxxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)