It’s International Day of Happiness!! And Dizzy wanted to tell you the top 5 things that make her a very happy donkey! 🙂 (You can probably guess quite a few of them…) 🙂 

  1. Causing mischief

2. Napping

3. Going on adventurers!

4. Eating ginger nut biscuits…

5. Contemplating what an amazing donkey she is 🙂

Dizzy’s convinced that your list will probably look rather similar to hers, but I’m not so convinced… hehe. Let us know what your top 5 happy things of happiness are. 🙂 And will you be doing any of them for International Day of Happiness? Of course, Dizzy shall be doing all of hers! 🙂 xxx

‘The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy. It’s all that matters.’ Audrey Hepburn

35 Replies to “A Happy Dizzy”

  1. 1) Being out on a sunny Saturday afternoon
    2)The morning of the first day of a holiday
    3) Cake, any cake!
    4) Chatting to friends
    5) Getting back from a run when its been a good run (or possibly even better when its the end of a bad run, at least its done?)
    Happy international day of happiness Dizzy!

  2. That is so cute!! Let’s see, Dakota’s Top 5 things that make him happy 1) Greenies Bones 2) Popcorn 3) His red, white and blue ball 4) Mom and Dad 5) His kitty brother, Cody xoxo

      1. You’re so welcome Heather. I was late leaving work again tonight and I was behind in Reader so will be “behinder” tonight. I went to bed a little earlier and did not send you the calendar day – I usually “like” it to keep track in Reader. I got to work today and my boss called me from a client’s office – I was on the phone with him most of the day as we revised documents. He got back to the office to do more and then the internet at work went out. I was happy when it was time to go for good – happy tomorrow is Friday, though we’re getting some snow for goodness sake!

          1. They say snow for us this weekend but I’m hoping it is just the northern suburbs. We have a rainy Friday and Saturday coming up – but still cold. We are way below normal Heather – when I left this morning it was only 25 degrees F (-3 C), Brrrr!

  3. Biasini would like to reply to Dizzy. Here are his five things that make him happy. 1.Eating alfalfa hay. 2. going on a trail ride. 3. Being cheeky and sometimes a bit naughty. 4. Being in Florida and not being in the snow and cold at home.5. Having an open window in his stall so he can put is head out and look out and see things.

    1. What’s alfalfa hay? Is that a special type of hay? xx Dizzy especially loved the being cheeky and naughty one, that’s one of her favourite things to do in life. 🙂 xxx

      1. Alfalfa hay is a type of hay that has a lot of alfalfa in it. It is leafy and I think it tastes quite sweet. Usually the alfalfa hay will have grass and regular hay mixed in together in the flakes.

      2. I thought I had replied to your comment but it seems to have gone off into the great ether. Alfalfa hay is a hay that has a lot of alfalfa, a leafy forage ,in it and it tastes quite sweet. It is also meant to be good for horse’s stomachs. It will have some regular grass hay in with it. When farmers sow fields for alfalfa hay they have special seed for it. Biasini loves it and reacts well to it. Some horses find it too rich and get a bit “hot” with it.

  4. Dizzy always puts a smile on my face. My 5 Happy things: eating ice cream, gardening, singing, chatting to my friends and blog friends, swimming in the sea on a nice sunny day… xx

    1. All of these make us very happy too, except the swimming in the sea, as neither Dizzy or I can actually swim. We do enjoy a little paddle though. 🙂 xxx

  5. What makes me happy at this very moment is knowing kindness, compassion and even passion for making things right in this world is still evident in the younger generations…Oh that sounds like an old fogey type of response, but there you have it!
    BTW: you and Dizzy are part of the ‘younger generation’ I’m referencing!

    1. I love your one!! And thank you for including Dizzy and I. 🙂 x It does make me so happy when I see any acts of kindness and compassion. Dizzy and I love to watch the little rescue doggies/animal videos, where an amazing person has come and given them a whole new life. I love seeing the little doggies so happy! 🙂 xxx

  6. When feeling down, always think “what would Dizzy do?” 😉
    Such a sweet post, Heather. Be good this week, Dizzy, don’t get up to too much mischief xx

  7. What an amazing day! I envy his upside down contemplation position. Thanks for the reminder of happy days on one that started out in the wrong direction. Perhaps I can turn it around. 😎

  8. Sharing my poetry and writing with others
    Sunny days and blue skies
    Not caring what others think and blowing bubbles into the wind
    Finding something to smile about each day
    Letting the Lord lead me through my days

    Dotty says Happy Spring and Happy International Day of Happiness to you both. I have my window open every day now and we both enjoy the scented spring breezes blowing in.

    1. Aww, I love all of these! Especially the blowing bubbles into the wind. 🙂 I am so glad to hear Dotty is enjoying the Spring breezes. And I hope she isn’t being to naughty for you. 🙂 xxx

  9. Such a lovely and funny dizzy update. Mine are belly laughing with friends, hugs, chocolate, being out in the sunshine, travelling to distant lands on adventures. Happy international Happy Day!

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)