Tomorrow is mine and Dizzy’s birthday! I would love to say we’re doing exciting things for it but we’re having another MS relapse (second one in a year…). 🙁 So our exciting adventure tomorrow will be visiting the doctors for steroids!

As it’s our birthday week and we’re feeling abit sorry for ourselves, we have made a list of our top 7 happy things to do at home!

  1. Films – Watching really good films that you can get completely get lost in. Our favourite is Lord of the Rings, especially the ending of the Fellowship. It’s not really happy but it always leaves us feeling hopeful about things. Dizzy does moan about the lack of donkeys though. She’s convinced a donkey could have taken the ring to Mordor. 🙂

Even if we’re feeling too sleepy for a long film, short films are also perfect! We love Lava. Even though the song is then stuck in our head for the rest of the day. 🙂

2. Food – We love our food! (This is Dizzy’s favourite one!) If we’re feeling rubbish stuffing ourselves on yummy food always manages to help.

dizzy3. Photography – Me and Dizzy love pottering around and taking our photos. Even though we’re not well enough to go far we enjoy venturing round the house and garden. 🙂


4. Cute animal photos – They just make us feel happy. 🙂

donkey boot5. People – Having a chat with someone is always lovely. Whether it’s actually getting to see them, just have a quick chat on the phone, or chatting with our online friends. 🙂

dizzythedonkey multiple sclerosis blog

6. Cuddles –  We love our cuddles! Either from my boyfriend, or if he’s not here from Brock. 🙂


7. Sleep – Because sleep is just amazing! 🙂 And the only thing that manages to help make us feel abit better.


What are your happy things to do when you’re at home not feeling well? Are any of yours the same as ours? 🙂 xxx

88 Replies to “A Happy Birthday relapse and 7 happy things to do at home”

  1. Happy almost birthday!!🎉🎈 Mine was last Tuesday and I celebrated from my bed. I’m sorry you’re in a flare…hopefully you can celebrate out a bit when things are on the upswing.

    Nice list!! I love watching cute animal videos for a heartwarming smile. And animal rescue stories, although those make me teary😬 Hoping you two have a heartwarming day tomorrow!!

    1. Thank you! I think my birthday will be the same (except the trip to the doctors of course 🙂 ) I hope you’re feeling abit better than you were.
      The videos are so wonderful to watch too. But I’m the same. I don’t want any sad stories when not feeling well. Just the happy animal ones or animals doing cute things! 🙂 xxx

  2. Aww loved this!! Those brownies Dizzy ate looked so tasty – I’m jealous! Lol. I love to watch movies too when I’m relapsing, especially in bed! X

    1. The brownies are good! Dizzy got that batch but I made some more without her knowing the next day! That’s what I’ve been doing. Recently got Netflix aswell which is perfect for watching in bed. 🙂 xxx

  3. Love this list! The same things would be on mine, along with cups of tea and a good book (something really easy when I’m not feeling well and can’t concentrate!) Hope you start to feel a bit better soon x

  4. Happy Birthday you two beautiful little things 🙂 Hope your both doing ok xxxx
    When i’m home alone and poorly i drink copious amounts of tea! Oh and a hot water bottle, can’t beat them 🙂 xxx

    1. Thank you so much! We are just resting lots and looking after ourselves. Dizzy’s using the time to eat lots! 🙂
      Hot water bottles are so comforting. I’ve just got a wheat bag that came today too. It has scotty dogs on it. 🙂 xxx

        1. Its just a little bag that you put round your shoulders that you can heat up in the microwave or pop in the freezer to turn into a cool bag. I used it for the first time today and it was quite nice!
          And thank you. I’m sure we will start feeling abit better soon. 🙂 xxx

          1. Oh I do know them! They are super handy to have!! My mom now has ones she can put in the microwave!! Instant pick me ups for sure!! With winter around the corner i’ll have to keep an eye out for these!!
            Also…. Did you see how dark it got this evening… before 8 o’clock!! Winter is defiantly coming 🙁 xxx

          2. It is rather nice and cosy! Mine was only £7 so not to pricey either. 🙂
            I was thinking that too. Winter is coming. It’s not as warm now either. How was your weekend? xxx

          3. Bargin!!!! I do love a bargin I do 🙂 It defo is not!! I have a head cold! In AUGUST!!! How that happened i’ll never know 🙂
            Great weekend, spent it in Hull with my little sister and brother, was fab! How are you getting on my sweet? xx

          4. Lol, I love a bargain too! 🙂 You’re the third person this week I’ve spoken to that has a cold. It’s mad but then it does look like Autumn outside!
            That sounds a lovely weekend. Still just resting but last day of steroids today! Hoping to start abit better soon! 🙂 xxx

          5. Yuck, I’m not ready to hang up my summer clothes yet!!!! Getting over it slowly but it still mega sucks!
            So happy to hear your feeling better!! It’s so important to look after yourself… even if its sometimes the last thing you think off!! Any plans for the long weekend?? xxx

          6. Just resting plans. I’m suppose to be starting a new job at the end of next week so hoping if I keep resting I’ll be able to start when I should! 🙂
            How about you? Have you got any plans for the bank holiday weekend? xxx

  5. Those reasons sound amazing to me!

    I can watch LOTR back-to-back-to-back…on repeat! Sometimes I’ll add a couple of showings of Phantom of the Opera! 😀😀😀

    So sorry about thr relapse – I can relate.

    Sending you and Dizzy gentle hugs and mega-good wishes for you to feel better sooner than later.

    Enjoy your day, tomorrow – Happy Birthday! 💜💜💜

    1. I can do that with LOTR’s aswell. I just love it so much. 🙂 The music in Phantom of the Opera is amazing too!
      Thank you, we shall just be resting and watching nice stuff today. 🙂 xxx

  6. Happy Birthday to both of you!! I hope you have a wonderful day despite the relapse. Take good care of the both of you. ❤️🎂

    Weather permitting, I like to sit on my patio with my camera, and photograph the birds, animals and sky surrounding me. It’s so relaxing.

  7. Happy Birthday to you both!! I hope the relapse does not last long. When I don’t feel good, I either curl up and watch movies or read a good book 🙂

  8. Happy birthday to both of you and I warmly wish you good health, happiness and blessings for the year! May you have a fantastic celebration with family and friends! Give Dizzy a hug from my inanimate furball Garfield and I ha ha! From one inanimate furball to another!

  9. I hope you are both feeling a lot better soon- happy birthday hugs!! I love the pictures- espeically the donkey with the boot hehe 😉 Lava is the best short film!! <3 xx

  10. Cuddles with Brock, snuggling in bed and watching films sounds like a good not-well day. As I sadly don’t have a dog or partner for cuddles, and a cat who decides when he wants them (not often!) I tend to settle for a cuppa tea and a book! Sending hugs your way, wishing you all the best with the injections and, of course, Birthday wishes for you and Dizzy!  ♥
    Caz xx

  11. I hope you and Dizzy have a good birthday and that your flare up goes away really fast! I really enjoy my time at home with my sweet cats that do love to cuddle especially when they know I do not feel well! Animals are amazing and have a good sense of what is going on:)! i also enjoy reading and writing!!! You and Dizzy take care and enjoy your birthday as much as you can!!

  12. I’m so sorry I missed your birthdays! And I’m sorry about your relapse. But you’re definitely right about movies, food, and cuddles! Brock looks like he’s an excellent cuddle pal!

  13. happy belated birthday to you and dizzy <3 I hope the day was fun! my happy things are reading, a good cup of coffee, catching up with friends, writing, blogging, a hot bubble bath, being in nature and my dog!

  14. Happy belated birthday week! 🎉🎂🎊 Lord of the Rings and brownies?!?😍 Perfection! Lol. I’m all for the good food, movies, and sleeping in on days I’m home. Great list! I hope you and Dizzy get to enjoy yourselves some more once you’re feeling a bit better.

  15. Happy belated birthday! I am sorry to hear you are going through a relapse. I hope you were able to enjoy the day as much as possible.

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)