When you have a condition like MS, the DVLA gives you a restricted driving license. This can last 1, 2 or 3 years, and then you have to re-apply for it to be renewed. This usually involves filling out forms, and them having a little chat with your specialist. This year was our first time renewing it, and my first time being sent for eye tests by the DLVA!

I admit, I got in a right state about it! So I thought I would write this little post just incase anyone else gets this letter, doesn’t know what to expect and is also abit worried about it. πŸ™‚

Me and Dizzy had ours last Monday! Dizzy was as cool as a cucumber donkey, and kept nattering on about her 20/20 vision all the way there. I did try telling her that it wasn’t her eye sight they were testing, but she thought they might like to do hers aswell! πŸ™‚

Luckily the optician we saw was very friendly, and tried to put us at ease. The time there was split into 4 parts:

1. A simple form to fill out, which also includes you agreeing to wear glasses/contact lenses when driving if needed.

2. The optician asks a few questions about your eyes, such as if there is any eye disease in the family, any operations have taken places on your eyes and if you have ever had any injury to them.

3. They carry out a normal eye test. First with your glasses on (if you wear them), and then without. This involves both eyes separately and then together.

4. Finally a visual field test (and the one I was most worried about!). This one involves looking at a big bowl shape. You then have you focus on a orange dot, and at the same time green lights will appear around it. As soon as one of these lights appear you have to click a button. This is done for three rounds. One with the orange spot in the middle, one with it to the left, and then with it to the right. They also have a little camera to ensure that you’re looking at the orange light throughout!

In my head I was wondering how I was possibly suppose to see lights and press a button at the same time when I was in a big stressed state, but it was actually ok! And I somehow got 100%! The lights were all the same brightness, and they were quite bright. You are also allowed to miss some of them, so there’s not so much pressure to get them all. πŸ™‚

Overall the whole experience was actually fine. I would advise taking a Dizzy with you,Β  or someone else if a Dizzy is not at hand, and not to worry. πŸ™‚ It is scary knowing it can affect whether your license is renewed, but all the tests are very simple and easy to follow. πŸ™‚ It’s also all over pretty quickly! πŸ™‚

Now it’s just a case of waiting for hear back from the DVLA on their decision. Dizzy’s already decided that if they don’t renew my license she will take over with the driving.

dizzythedonkey multiple sclerosis

I told her that I didn’t think they gave licenses to donkeys, but she won’t listen. She’s even got all the other donkeys on board with her idea! πŸ™‚

dizzythedonkey MS blog

And Bob’s somehow already managed to break the wind mirror….

Multiple Sclerosis Blog

And remember, there are plenty of steps you can take to help yourself with driving when your eyesight is impacted. You can check in for regular eye tests to make sure you always have the best prescription to suit your needs. You can get no glare glasses to help when driving in the sun or when driving at night in other car’s headlights. You can also try contact lenses. πŸ™‚

Have you had any tests that have turned out not to be nearly as bad as you were expecting? πŸ™‚ xxx

LITTLE UPDATE: My driving license came today, and I’ve been given a 5 year one! So relieved, the donkeys looked abit disappointed about it though…. πŸ™‚ xxx

30 Replies to “A DVLA – eye sighting test- Dizzy”

  1. I’m so glad everything went well for you Heather, and congratulations on having your license renewed for another five years. I have to do the visual field test every so often to make sure my pituitary tumor isn’t affecting my peripheral vision. The last time I did it I had to do it twice because I was seeing lights where there weren’t any.πŸ˜„ Tell Dizzy and friends they’re just going to have to wait a while longer to take over the driving duties….πŸ˜‚ Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much Terri. It really wasn’t that bad, but I got in such a state about it. I’m glad they let you do it another time. I have a tiny prolactinoma, but luckily it doesn’t seem to want to do much in life. Had it for years, and just have to have a blood test once a year to check it’s not getting adventurous. x Hope you have a wonderful weekend Terri! And I shall tell Dizzy you’ve said she’ll have to wait too. πŸ™‚ xxx

  2. I am so glad for you Heather. It is good to know what is involved. I have held onto my British licence. I love your yellow car and the lovely photograph of Dizzy and friends. Happy weekend xx 🌼

    1. Thank you Brigid. I just thought it might be useful to others, as I couldn’t find that much on exactly what it involved when I was worrying about it. x And thank you, I do love Maisey (my little yellow car)! πŸ™‚ Happy weekend to you too. πŸ™‚ xxx

    1. In the UK it’s a legal requirement to tell the DVLA as soon as you are diagnosed. x It doesn’t make any difference here insurance wise or anything, just means you have to go through the paper work of renewing the license every 3-5 years. xxx

      1. We don’t have such a requirement here. Not sure if that’s good or bad. In US all is determined by the DMV or Division of Motor πŸš— vehicles.

  3. Well Heather I’ve had that visual field test as well. I hate it. I think I get it routinely now because of my advanced age. Good to know your got your license. And as for Dizzy and the others driving……. oh my!

    1. It’s just the pressure of it! All these little lights and the button pressing. I was getting paranoid I was starting to see lights where there weren’t light. πŸ™‚ And I must say I am abit relieved that Dizzy won’t be driving just yet, I don’t think there would be much of my car left after too long with them all driving it. πŸ™‚ xxx

      1. I agree about the pressure. I have also had hearing tests done which are similar. They put you into a small room that is a “dead” room so there is no other sounds and you have to press a button every time you hear a ping and sometimes they are sre so faint it is hard. I also think that being shut into the small space is hard. I’m not claustrophobic but I still feel a uneasy. And….don;t give the car keys to those little donkeys!!

        1. That sounds really difficult. I would start thinking I was hearing things in that situation! Lol, and I won’t be for a long time. The donkeys just got so over excited with the whole idea! πŸ™‚ xxx

  4. Congratulations on your license being renewed! I know you must be very relived that Dizzy will not be stealing your car anytime in the next 5 years! She might start requesting you teach her how to drive, just so she is 100% prepared if anything changes. I think Dizzy will make a much better driver than most people here in the states, but we probably shouldn’t tell her that!
    I hope y’all have a wonderful weekend!!!

    1. I was very relieved and so happy to get it. πŸ™‚ I’m not sure there would be much of my car left with the donkeys in control of it after too long. πŸ™‚ xx Hope you’re having a great weekend Alyssa. πŸ™‚ xxx

      1. You are far too cute Heather!! I am so happy for you that you got your license renewed! I know that takes a lot off of your mind. You are probably right that a donkey on the road would cause your car to fall apart. But seriously, the way people drive where I live, I think Dizzy could do much better blindfolded!

  5. I think I need a Dizzy in my life! I’m happy for you that the eye tests weren’t too stressful and that you got a 5-year license. πŸ‘πŸ»

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)