Dizzy has been a very, very lucky donkey this week, and has been sent an amazing range of CBD products from Reakiro to try out. 🙂

Dizzy wasn’t the only one excited about this! 🙂 

CBD is a natural remedy, which is used for many different physical and mental issues, such as anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and aches and pains. Many people with MS also find it really helpful, and it has been proven to help with symptoms such as cramps and spasticity. (Please just check with your health care professional before trying anything new though. :))

The wonderful people at Reakiro are currently offering an amazing promotion here (to celebrate being able to now buy their products on amazon), which enables you to buy one product, and then after leaving a review, get another one completely free! We have tried their products before (we loved them!), which meant we were extra excited to try out some of their new range. 🙂

CBD Spray

This is one of our favourites, as not only is it extremely easy to take, it tastes delicious! This one is a scrummy apple flavour, which Dizzy and her friends love! And as it is a spray, it is also super simple for your body to absorb. 🙂 We find this one always helps us to get an amazing night’s sleep, by just taking one spray after we’ve got ourselves tucked up into bed. 🙂 

CBD oil

The CBD oil is super useful for carrying around in your bag, while also being suitable for vegans! 🙂 This one comes in four different strengths, and like all of their products, is third party tested and THC free.  

CBD capsules

We love these capsules! They are super easy and simple to take (and not very big either). They are also really easy to take if you are out and about, while also ensuring that you are taking the exact dosage that you are after. 🙂 

CBD Gummies

These are the ones we were most looking forward to trying. We’ve never tried CBD gummies before, and we were not disappointed. The only trouble was that Dizzy was insisted having them all herself! She very much liked the apple and lemon flavours. 🙂 

If you like the look of any of these products, pop over the Reakiro amazon page here. 🙂 We have really enjoyed them all! 🙂 xxx

8 Replies to “A CBDing Dizzy and how to get BOGOF”

      1. I am good, but the walks are on hold this week due to the snow and bitter cold … I think the “real Winter” has finally arrived. We had been having no snow (just two times which melted) which I was liking (as were my squirrels and birds at the Park). Take care of yourselves. {{{{hugs }}}

        1. We haven’t had any snow here yet, but I did see a warning about possible snow today! It is very cold here though. x I hope the weather warms up soon so that you can return to your walks. 🙂 xxx

          1. We were lucky the snow and the bitter cold didn’t happen until now; I worry about my little critters at the Park as I don’t like to drive in the ice and snow and it’s been slippery and really cold, so I hope so too. You stay safe if you go out … COVID wise and snow wise. I don’t take chances walking in bad weather as I get older and while this COVID continues to surge – worrisome to have to go to the hospital nowadays when our state has more cases than before the vaccinations began.

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)