Happy New Year everyone. 🙂 Me and Dizzy cannot believe it is already 2020! We had a very quiet night in, watching telly and eating lots of yummy food! What did you do to welcome in the new decade? x

Starting the new year does always get us thinking about our health though, and ways in which we can look after ourselves. For us, MS does make us super sleepy at all times, to the point of sometimes feeling really really under the weather with is. 🙁 But we have noticed that sometimes just doing little things can help to give us a little boost. Which is still always needed, even with our scheduled afternoon nap! 🙂

Dizzy’s 7 Quick Boost Tips 🙂

  1. Eat Breakfast and then Regularly Throughout the Day

Dizzy insisted on this being at number one, as a donkey believes that it is very important not to miss out any meals! But it is also true, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I always find the morning much harder to get through if I don’t have a little breakfast, and I also find that having regular snacks helps throughout the day. As soon as I start to get a little peckish, my energy levels do a little crash. For this, I always carry around a couple of snacks in my bag, which is something Dizzy never complains about… 🙂

The donkeys insisted on this picture for breakfast… such naughty donkeys! 🙂

2. Drink Water

Dehydration can make you feel really tired and drained, and therefore it is super important to keep hydrated throughout the day. You don’t have to drink lots and lots all at once, just keep taking sips throughout the day. 🙂 

3. Do Yoga

Yoga can be great for giving yourself a little boost; it gets your body moving, and also provides a time for relaxation and calm. 🙂 The donkeys are very big fans of this one! And if you are unsure of where to start, there are lots of amazing videos on youtube, which you can follow. Yoga wth Adrienne is great! And every January she does a  30 day programme. 🙂 

4. Peppermint and Cinnamon

Me and Dizzy only discovered this one recently! But you can incorporate smells of cinnamon and/or peppermint into your home. This could involve lighting a candle that is cinnamon flavoured (we love the smell of cinnamon!) or it may even mean that you carry some mints in your bag. Either way, the smells of peppermint and cinnamon are known for helping you to stay awake and they are also ideal if you want something that will wake you up by stimulating your senses. 🙂

5. Tackle Stress

If you are under a great deal of stress, this could also be massively affecting your energy levels during the day. It is also known for setting off MS relapses, and has been the main cause of mine and Dizzy’s in the past. It is really important to try and find ways of getting rid of stress (or if that’s not possible, ways of dealing with it), rather than ignoring it. For example, on a big scale! And I have told Dizzy she needs to be careful with such big issues, but if your marriage is causing stress, then you could seek advice, couples counselling or even divorce solicitors. If you are struggling with work-related stress, then it may be worth you trying to talk to your manager, or looking at different work and career options. Or if you are just having a stressful day, where it is all just going a little wrong, take out time from the day to do something relaxing. 🙂

6. Walk

Taking a walk is proven to boost energy levels, and to also make us feel happier! This might not be possible for everyone, but just getting outside into the fresh air, which could involve sitting in your garden and watching the birds, can make all the difference!

7. Take Time Out

We find that when we have lots going on, it makes us get some sort of sensory overload! And it is completely exhausting. At these times, Dizzy and I find a quiet (and dark if we can) room to hide in, and just take time to ground ourselves. It can sometimes only be for 10 minutes, but it really does help. 🙂

I hope some of these tips are helpful to you for going into the new year! What are your top tips for a little boost? 🙂 xxxx

13 Replies to “7 Quick Dizzy Tips for Helping to give Yourself an Energy Boost :)”

  1. Thank you! I always enjoy your posts!
    I know I am missing my walking… it’s been *SO* smokey here for weeks now – going outside for a good walk would physically make me sick, with so much bushfire smoke about. I’m quite safe here from the actual fires, thankfully, yet missing walking outside so much! “This, too, shall pass…”.

    1. I am so glad that you are safe where you are though. The fires are awful, and the amount of smoke looks unbelievable. 🙁 Keep taking care of yourself, and I hope that you will soon be able to go for a walk outside again. xxx

  2. Wise Dizzy as always! I love that you’ve included about sensory overload and how beneficial it can be sometimes to simply unplug, switch off and get some quiet time, even just for 10 minutes can help reinvigorate you if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Love the tips! xx

  3. Such sweet pictures to go with your commentary Heather … my favorite is the header photo (and also seen below) of Dizzy in the tulips with the little chenille chicken in the tulip … reminds me of the few of them that would be dancing on the top of my Easter basket. Such sweet memories. Happy New Year to all of you!

    1. I love those little chicks too, and Dizzy is very good friends with this one, who happens to be called Chick. 🙂 x How has the start of your 2020 been? 🙂 xxx

      1. Chick is very cute and I have one saved downstairs from years ago … I am a saver, not a throwers. Heather, I am having trouble remembering what day it is … work two days, have off a holiday for one day, then work two days, then have the weekend. I could get used to it, but I’ve been having a hard time remembering the day and remembering to put 2020 instead of 2019 on documents that I type. Perhaps it is an “old thing” only? Hope your 2020 has been off to a good start.

        1. So far Dizzy and I have managed to write 2020 when we need to write the date! This is the first year ever though! Usually it’s month before we start to get it right. 🙂 xxx

          1. Ha ha – that sounds like me. I’ve not had to write anything longhand, like a check, etc. and luckily letters for work have an automatic update in the template, but I was doing time entries in the accounting system today and was all over the place trying to remember to type 2020.

  4. I love reading posts from others because sharing information helps increase our individual perspective. I love reading yours too as they’re relatable. Thank you Heather. I’m also a great believer in trying new things because we cannot complain if we have not broadened our experiences by trying something new. Kind of not related to boosting energy but to help with days when my energy levels are lower than normal or non existent, I have chosen to do 1 wash at a time a and a little laundry (approx 10 mins of ironing) each day. This helps me stay on top of laundry and supports me when having low energy days whrere as i used to let it pile up and this increased my stress. I have found little and often mindset helps support my energy levels. Keep writing and ill continue to enjoy reading. 😊

    1. I love the little and often mindset. I must admit, I am not great at that, and then I end up over doing it. I think I need to also try and take on this one too. 🙂 x Thank you so much for your lovely comments about our blog too. It always makes Dizzy and my day. 🙂 xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)