Dizzy and I are very lucky this week, as we have two guest posts! This being the second one, and one that is all about moving house! Something that would have been very useful for us a year ago, when we were pottering around looking for our first home to buy. 🙂 xxx


Moving can be a very stressful time in anyone’s life, but when you know you’re off to a good home, packing up and shipping off is all worth it in the end. However, how can you be sure that the house you’re moving into is going to be better than where you’re currently living? 

Whether you’re a disabled person who needs a better space that accommodates you, or you just need to find a new neighborhood and a much more harmonious place for you and your family, it shouldn’t be impossible to find a better home than the one you’re currently living in. 

But you’ve got to know what to look out for, what questions to ask, and what truly determines if the house you’re viewing is good enough for you. So, make sure you keep the points we’ve collected below in mind whilst you house hunt. 

Make a Serious Case to Estate Agents

If you want to be able to find a better home than where you are right now, you’re going to have to be serious about your want or need to rent or buy a new place. Because when you’re talking to a estate agent, either over the phone or via email, they’re going to know if you’re not taking the process seriously enough – you need to make a case for yourself here, and be heartfelt and open about all your housing needs. An estate agent wants to make a sale, most of all, and when they can feel one coming, they’ll do the most legwork. 

But how do you convince an estate agent you’re serious? You ask the right questions, present the right information, and you take the time to get to know and/or keep in touch with the estate agent you’re working with. For example, if you let them know about the fact that you’ve secured the best housing loan for you, they’re going to know you’ve got a bit of cash behind you, and are serious enough about finding a new home that you’ve already reached out to be pre-approved. 

Ask the Right Questions

You’ve got to learn the right questions to ask when you’re viewing a house, from either the estate agent, landlord, or previous property owner who’s showing you around. You want to know as much as you can about this property, to make sure your decision over whether it’s better or not is truly informed. 

But what are the key questions? First of all, you want to know the amount of interest in the property, such as how many viewings or offers it’s already received. Then you’re going to want to know if it’s a safe place to live, so ask about gas and electricity certificates, as well as the age of the wiring and heating systems, and if there’s ever been any issues in the past. Then ask or find out about the neighborhood. What are the crime rates? Why do the sellers want to move? Have there ever been any disputes with the people living next door? 

Of course, you may not get truthful answers to these questions, but by putting in a little time to do your own research, you should be able to find out all the answers you need. 

Visit at Many Different Times

Most home viewings occur during the day; either in the morning, after people have left for work, or in the early afternoon, before the kids have come home from school and people still have a while until their shift is over. And because of this, most house viewings end up with you thinking you’ve got a pleasant, quiet, and low traffic neighborhood to move into. 

However, this is by design. Estate agents want you to think of the house you’re interested in as a harmonious place to move into, and it’s why you should schedule viewings out and around these times. Of course, it’ll be hard to get an 8am showing, or even a 9am showing, but you could certainly ask for a 6pm or 7-8pm showing in the evening. Or you can pop round to the house yourself in the evening, and have a sneaky look at the area. 

Know the Warning Signs

And before you leave the viewing, you’re going to want to look out for a few warning signs in and around the property. These are signs that the home you’ve got your heart set on might have a few issues you’re going to have to deal with when you move, and that’s just not fair on you. Of course, it’s up to you whether or not you fork out here, but make sure troubling signs like these weigh in on your decision. You can always use a checklist if need be. 

Are there any spots of damp, or water markings, or even mold around the house? Look for these on the ceilings most of all, as any discolorations could be a sign of dodgy plumbing. Do the doors and windows open and close properly? You want fully working seals, sliders, and locks on these entry points into your home, to ensure you’re moving into a secure, insulated place. 

Do the light switches, and other gas or electric switches in the house work properly? It’s a good way to test the wiring, and see if the oven that comes with the home is a danger point or not. And finally, how is the house decorated? What’s the wallpaper like? Because if it’s thick you’re going to have to peel away a lot of under sheets and plaster! 

All of these points could make a real difference in trying to find your dream property. Make sure your new home works for you! 

7 Replies to “Tips for finding the right house for you! :)”

  1. That was helpful information Heather – hopefully since you didn’t know all these handy tips, your house-buying event was a good situation and not a bad one.

      1. Those were some great tips – live and learn about everything as you go through this life. I hope you are settled into your house for a very long time Heather. I hope you are feeling better these days. Take care of yourself and stay safe okay?

  2. Some really useful tips, and I especially think that looking out for those warning signs is a really important one. After my parents last moved I wish we’d looked harder, tested more things out, but also that we’d been less rushed and under pressure to find somewhere. It’s also good to have all of those key questions jotted down for the agents and do your own research – fab guest post! xx

    1. Aww, why do you wish you had looked closer? is your house ok where you are now? x It is always such a big decision, and I think there’s always something that doesn’t go quite right! xx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)