Christmas time is nearly here! And if you’re like me and Dizzy, you are starting to have a little panic over the fact that you haven’t done any Christmas shopping and time is running out! This always means I end up not being able to think of what to get, and if I can, it’s too late for delivery (Dizzy doesn’t understand why everyone can’t just have ginger nut biscuits…). But then, at least Dizzy is very easy to buy for. 🙂

It can also be a little tricky knowing what to buy someone with a chronic illness, especially if they are going through a blue patch with their condition. With this in mind, Dizzy has come up with five great gifts for anyone with (or without) a chronic illness. 🙂

  1. Creative presents

These can be great for anyone to do, especially on Christmas day! Dizzy and I have been doing a giant Hogwarts Lego (the picture only shows some of it…), and we have loved doing it. Even on blue days, we have loved tucking up into bed creating our own Hogwarts. 🙂

It doesn’t have to be Lego that your give as a present though! It can be anything from puzzles, to cross stitch, to instructions on how to knit your own Dizzy! 🙂

2. Plants

Plants are great for bringing a little colour into the home. It can also be wonderful looking after them, and seeing them flourish in their new home. 🙂

Dizzy is becoming a very green fingered little donkey. 🙂  

3. Pamper pressies

We all need a little pampering; it’s very important to remember to have time to look after you! And by giving someone pamper presents, it means they can have an evening of luxury. 🙂 This could be bath stuff, chocolate, scented candles, or a whole little bundle of goodies. 🙂

4. Books

Dizzy loves her books! Especially the ones with pictures! And they always make amazing gifts. Even if you know someone who doesn’t like lots of reading, there are lots of wonderful books with beautiful pictures in. 🙂

5.  Netflix

Or some sort of entertainment. 🙂 NetFlix is just Dizzy’s favourite. Although, her Donkey search last night on there was rather lacking… These are great for anyone, but especially for someone with a chronic illness, as they may have to spend days, weeks or even months at a time in bed. This is great for helping them to get through those days, and without them having to use up any fragile spoons. 🙂

Dizzy said if you know any good new Donkey films, please could you let her know. 🙂 

What presents ideas do you have for someone with a chronic illness, and what presents have you already got for people? 🙂 xxx

17 Replies to “5 Dizzy MS Gifts Ideas for Christmas”

  1. Lovely ideas, I especially like the sound of giving/receiving plants, that’s such a good suggestion. As is Netflix – you’re giving the gift of Netflix & Chill all wrapped up in a bow! I’m going to make a little card that says ‘I owe you two months of Netflix goodness’ for my dad and I can set it up for him on Boxing day – brilliant idea!! He’s ridiculously difficult to buy for.
    Merry Christmas, Heather! Merry Christmas to you too, Dizzy, and to all the donkeys across the world!  ♥😄
    Caz xxxx

    1. I love getting plants! And it’s so rewarding when you look after them and see them flourish. 🙂 One of my cacti, that I was given years ago, flowered in the summer, and I was happy about it for weeks! 🙂
      I find dads soooo hard to buy for! That idea sounds perfect though!!
      I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Caz. 🙂 xxx

  2. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year 2020!
    I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day with your family in your new home.
    May the New Year bring you peace, happiness and of course good health.
    Thank you for your friendship over the past couple of years in the blogging world.

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)