Health anxiety is one thing that Dizzy and I definitely struggle with. We always have, even before MS! A slight pain or bumpy thing, and I usually assume I am dying… Dr. Google not often helping. 🙂 

With this in mind Dizzy has created a little mini post on ways to help combat health anxiety for the times when it starts to get a little out of control. 🙂  

(Dizzy loves her sunflower so much that she wanted to include her photo of it in this post too… 🙂 )

Take Care of Yourself 

One of the best way to overcome health anxiety is to take care of yourself. As doing things, such as having a healthy diet and not smoking, not only reduces the chances of developing some conditions, but it can also be reassuring to know that we are doing everything we can to stay healthy. 🙂

It’s also important to set realistic goals to help look after yourself. I have got a little carried away at times – every year when I watch the Marathon I decide I’m going to do one next year! – but to be honest this is a little too optimistic, especially when I would need a nap every few miles and don’t go faster than walking speed! 🙂 

Speak to a Doctor 

Rather than Googling your symptoms get in touch with the doctor. I am guilty of going Dr. Google mad, but it does always lead to scary scenarios. Instead get in touch with your doctor for a appointment, who can physically see you and also knows more about you. 🙂


With health anxiety I can sometimes get stuck in my head, and then I get more and more in a state. But I have learnt to step back and just breathe for a moment. Doing something to help break the anxiousy cycle can make a huge difference, as it can be really hard to think clearly when in this place. Breathing, talking to a friend or going for a little walk can all help. 🙂 

Also remember that support is out there.  From healthcare professions to a medical malpractice attorney.

Have you ever experienced health stress, and how have you managed to cope with it? xxxx

11 Replies to “3 Ways to Cope with Health Anxiety”

  1. Love your “donkey ology” makes me giggle inside with every post. Firm believer that breathing and laughter are the best medicine to ease anxiety.
    Thanks for the timely reminder 🙂

    1. Hehe, Dizzy will be very please to know that you appreciate all her little posts. 🙂 And I really do think laughter is the best medicine. We all need a little reminder now and then though – I know I definitely do. xx I hope you are having a lovely weekend Janet. 🙂 xxx

  2. These are great tips Heather and Dizzy and I don’t blame Dizzy for wanting to use that lovely sunflower photo – I would too. I think we are all guilty of using “Dr. Google” for symptoms. Many years ago, before the internet was around, we had friends of the family and they bought this huge medical book. It was the hardcover version of Dr. Google! As they got older, they had aches and pains and twinges, etc. and they’d consult this big book. The book was so complex that it would keep giving you options to delve in further to your “condition” – they constantly lived in fear of what they read. One day Mrs. Deak brought the book to my mom. “Would you like this book Pauline – every time we get an ache or pain we think we’re going to kick the bucket.” My mother graciously accepted the book – soon, she said to me “Linda, take this book downstairs where I can’t get to it – I feel better if I DON’T read it.” 🙂

    1. I remember a book like that when I was younger! It had so many different possible reasons for every tiny twinge. It made me feel stressed just looking at it! 🙂 xxx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)