Taking good care of your teeth can be quite tricky for a donkey, as (don’t tell Dizzy) they have quite big teeth! That’s why it is essential that it is part of her healthcare routine, as otherwise she could end up with some other health issues. This is true for us humans too! 🙂 And is why Dizzy has wanted to do a post on dental tips: for keeping all donkey’s (and human’s) teeth looking their best! 🙂

  1. Never go to bed without brushing your teeth! Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, but some of us can be a little naughty, and skip brushing our teeth at night. Don’t be too hard on yourself if some nights you are unable too (sometimes fatigue wins), but you should try and always brush before bed, as this gets rid of germs and plaque that has built up during the day. 
  2. Brush properly. The way you brush is very important! And Donkey Fact! 🙂 Brushing badly is almost as bad as not brushing your teeth all! Move the toothbrush in gentle, circular motions over your teeth to remove the plaque and take your time. 
  3. Clean your tongue. Plaque can build up on your tongue as well as on your teeth. This can also lead to oral health issues. To help prevent this, gently brush your tongue when you are brushing your teeth. 🙂 
  4. Use a fluoride toothpaste. Lots of us go for whitening or flavors when we’re buying toothpaste, but you should always be looking for fluoride. 🙂 Fluoride is an important defense against tooth decay. It works by fighting the germs to lead to decay and provides a protective barrier for your teeth. 
  5. Remember that flossing is as important as brushing. Flossing isn’t just for getting out little pieces of leftover food (ginger nut biscuit…) that have become stuck between your teeth, it is also a way to stimulate the gums, reduce plaque buildup and lowers inflammation around the gums. Or if you find flossing difficult or just hate it (like me), you can also different flossing tools. We love inter-dental brushes, which come in lots of bright colours! 🙂
  6. Use a fluoride mouthwash. Mouthwash helps you in three ways. It reduces the amount of acid in the mouth, re-mineralizes the teeth and cleans around the gums and other areas hard to reach with a brush. 
  7. Drink more water. Water is one of the best things out there for your overall health, and it’s actually great for oral health too. Try to drink water after every meal, as this can help to wash away some of the negative effects of sticky or acidic foods and drinks between your proper brushes. 
  8. Eat crunchy fruit and veg. Fresh, crunchy foods is the best choice for your teeth, especially for young children and donkeys. Eating crunchy foods gets the jaw working, building strong teeth. 
  9. Cut back on sugary and acidic foods. Sugar converts into acid in the mouth, which can then lead to erosion of your tooth enamel. Acids are also what leads to cavities, so try to be careful about how much sugar you eat. 
  10. See your dentist at least twice a year. While your own toothy care is crucial for your oral health, you should also make sure to see your dentist every six months (unless they have advised you differently). Dentists can sometimes be a little pricey, but you can look into ways of saving money at your local dentist
  11. Use the right toothbrush. You can’t care for your teeth properly if you don’t have the right tools to do it. You should use a soft-bristled toothbrush with the bristles at varying heights. These bristles make it easier to clean between your teeth properly and beneath your gums. A brush with hard bristles can damage your tooth enamel and gum tissue.  
  12. Replace your toothbrush every three months. A worn out brush with the bristles splayed out won’t be as effective at properly cleaning your teeth. You can even mark it on your calendar to help you remember (which is what Dizzy is going to start doing)! As currently, we do this more like once a year… 🙂 

What are your top tips for oral health? 🙂 xxx

19 Replies to “12 Dizzy Donkey Dental Tips”

  1. Don’t let your children suck their thumbs or they’ll pay for it later at the orthodontist’s office. I’ve worn braces twice, the metal ones back in the day (and kept removing the retainer in my sleep) and more recently, Invisaligns, and I’m here to tell you, I would’ve rather done something more enjoyable with my money!

    Also, after having shoulder surgery in December 2018, I began using an electric (battery-operated) toothbrush because I wasn’t sure if I would be able to move my arm and I love it.

    And I’ve always tried to change my toothbrush (and now the bristles on the electric one) every three months.

    Great tips, Dizzy!

    1. I had braces in my early twenties, and they were so expensive!! And I have an electric toothbrush too. 🙂 I love it. Although, I do need to be better about changing the bristles every 3 months… xxx

  2. I was never good a flossing with dental floss or tape and I like those little sticks with the floss embedded in them much better – I take much better care of my teeth since discovering those little gizmos. I wear a mouth guard on my top teeth and have done so for many years. Mine was fitted by the dentist by taking an impression of my bite, but I know you can buy some that you boil in water to get pliable, then put them over your teeth and they hold in that position, keeping you from grinding your teeth while sleeping.

    1. I have never been able to figure the little sticks with the floss embedded out! I tried once, and made a right mess of it. :/ I can just about manage the little brushes that go between your teeth. 🙂 xxx

  3. Thanks for sharing some great tips Heather and Dizzy. Taking care of our teeth and gums is so important not only for our oral care, but for our general health as well. I absolutely hate going to the dentist, but I do it every six months because I know how important it is. I’m very fortunate that my hygienist knows how I feel about being there, so she does everything she can to make sure I’m as comfortable as possible.

    1. I hate going to the dentist too! And I use to have the most gentle hygenist ever, but the new one is super quick! There’s no being gentle or checking if you’re ok. You come out feeling a little dazed after it all! :/ xxx

  4. Perfect timing – I had a nasty dental check-up two days ago, nearly peed my pants with fear because I hates the dentist man! I’m glad you mentioned inter-dental brushes. I’ve always found flossing with tape very, very difficult. It was life-changing to use very fine inter-dental brushes, just the stick version (straight stick), makes it a lot easier. I still don’t do it regularly enough though. I also now use a specialist mouth wash for gums and a toothpaste for strengthening enamel. Great tips!
    Caz xx

Let us know your thoughts, they always make for a very happy Dizzy :)